9. Salami

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Old habits die hard

Thats probably why I am writing this chapter at 11:00 at night and it's the first day back to school after a week tomorrow. Yah I'm going to be tired.

Well hope you enjoy :D


*Sam's POV*

"Ugg I'm so full." I say pushing my plate away from me.

"You should be you just had 3 hotdogs and at least 2 plates of salad." Harry says laughing at how much I can actually eat.

What I just really like food ok. Don't judge. I bet you like something really weird and I would never judge you for that. I may laugh at you a little but never judge you.

"I take it you like my salad?" Niall says smirking.

I cross my arms over my chest and look away.

"It was ok. Not as good as usual." I say making sure that I don't look back at him.

I can see Niall cringe a little out of the corner of my eye. He knows I love his food and I usually praise him when he makes his salad. Like I said before I like food. I could tell that hurt him a little.

I look at my watch "You boys should all get ready the limo is coming to pick us up in 45 minutes to take us to the interview. And you boys all need to look spiffy."

"Oh? And how do we look right now?" Zayn questions me.

"Uuuuuuuumm uuuuuuuuuuum thank you boys so much for taking me with you to the interview!" I say grinning real big trying to avoid the question.

To tell you the truth they all did look really sweaty from the football game except for Harry and Louis they showered but they really do need to change. They can't go to an interview in sweats.

"Well I better change too. Wouldn't want to look like a bum hanging out with THE One Direction." I say stretching out the word The. Before I quickly run up the stairs.

I can hear the other boys walking up the stairs as i enter my room closing the door. Wouldn't want any of them seeing my change now would we. Well maybe Niall but- wait on second thought no not Niall either.

I walk into my closet and look at all the things I have hanging up.

I could wear my grade 8 grad dress. I know right it's sad that I still fit into it. But hey I had my growths Burt when I was in grade 7 when i grew to 5'9" and I was taller than everyone else until like grade nine. Now I'm kinda stuck at that height.

But I can't wear that it's too fancy for an interview. Even though I won't be seen at all unless we're walking in or out of the studio.

Why does this have to be so hard.

I finally decided on a red tanktop with my white coveralls that are shorts with only one buckle done up. For shoes I have the ones that Niall gave me for my birthday (I don't know why but I really feel like wearing them today) and I put on a few red bracelets. I curled my hair after my shower and it still looks good so Ill just leave it like that.

Checking in the mirror one last time I skip down the hall and walk down the stairs to meet Liam, Louis and Niall and Zayn.

I look over at Niall and he's wearing the shoes that match mine and the hat I got him for his birthday and man does he look good. His eyes connect with mine and I look away quickly.

"Where's harry?" I ask looking back up to the stairs.

"He's taking forever. He has to make sure his locks are in perfect place. And people say Im the one who takes forever to get ready I was the first one down here." Zayn says rolling his eyes.

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