3. Haven't seen you in a while Bob

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A/N heeeeeeereeee's chapppppyter nuuuuumber threeeeeereeeeee!

Sorry I'm a bit too hyper for 11 at night!!!!!!,!!!!!!

^i was so excited I had to put a coma inbetween my exclamation points just to take a breath!!!!


I should probably start writing my story now!

Ok I promise this chapter won't be bad like the last one!!!!!!!

I know I changed the ages around for the story compared to when Niall originally tries out for Xfactor but it works for the story so just go with the flow!

Let's do this pooooooooooooo!!!!!!!


Age 17

Sam's POV

I bounce up and down on my bed waiting for the time to pass by. But I can't help it tonight Niall was coming over to watch Xfactor with me. Now I now I shouldn't be this excited for it because Niall would come over to my house every Wednesday to watch Xfactor together it was our ritual!

Now every time I see him he made my heart race and the butterflies in my stomach flutter, it was a wonder how I could act normal in front of him!

And the actor for best performance of not being in love with her best friend when she really is goes to... (Drumroll) Samantha Chasie!! Thank you thank you very much!

I mean we are best friends and nothing more (even though I want to be more). But I could never tell him that, if I did he would feel uncomfortable and wouldn't want to see me any more and I would lose him. I could never lose him so ill just have to keep my feelings locked up!

Looking up at the clock I realized I still had fifteen minutes before Niall was coming over. Man what was I going to do? Looking around my room when my eye caught a familiar red book.

I quickly ran over to it and sat backdown reading the cover allowed. " " 'Wreck this journal.' I haven't seen you in a while have I Bob?"

What? I named him Bob I know it's not the most original name but come on give me a break! I flipped through the pages to where I left off reading the instructions allowed.

"Draw lines with a pen or pencil. Lick you fingers and smear the lines." I looked around for a my pen when I realized I had put in in my hair.

"Right forgot I put it their. BLOND MOMENT!" I sang the last part.

"Right here we go!" I stuck my young out as I drew the lines on the page then licked my thumb and started smearing the lines.

"Right page number 154-155 down! Now onto page number 156!" I said to myself remembering when I had to number all of the pages, taking me hours to do only because my mind wanders so much. I flip to the next page and read it to myself.

"Lose this page. (Throw it out) Accept the loss."

I frown as I rip the page out of the book.

"I'm sorry Bob, but it had to be done. Don't worry I give it the proper goodbye." I say to Bob as I get up and start to walk down the stairs. When I got to the garbage can, I put down bob and and took a deep breath in.....

and crumpled the page and threw it out. Then I picked up Bob and held him up staring at the crumpled up paper that was once attached to him and was now in the garbage.

"What are you doing!" Someone yelled quickly in an attempt to scare me as they put their hand on my back.

"Jesus!"I jumped turning around.

"No actually my name is Niall, but I have been tolled the resemblance is startling." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Ha. Ha. Ha," I said sarcastically "I'm trying to accept the loss of page 156 here. Can you please stop messing around and come and join me and Bob for a moment of silence."

"Right, right sorry." He said as he came to stand beside me and closed his eyes.

I faced the garbage again and too closed my eyes. When suddenly I heard snickering. With an annoyed look on my face I opened one eye and stared at him. Curse him and his cute smirks, this was supposed to be silent moment. I couldn't handle it any more!

"Okay that's enough! Xfactor Is going to start any minute anyways!" I said as I set the Bob down and grabbing his hand dragging him bye the couch. All the while he was laughing.

I turned the tv on and switched it to the channel that the Xfactor was on. And we settled into the couch.

Half way through the show Niall heard the familiar beat of the song stuck in the moment by Justin Bieber and he stud up,

"Oh I love this song." He said before singing along with the girl in tv.

As Niall sang the song I couldn't help stare at him his voice was angelic and the way he sang with such passion, he was amazing. And here come the butterflies again!

When the song was over Niall sat down beside me putting his arm around my shoulders. Why does he have to do that he kills me when he does that, a blush rises to my cheeks.

"I love that song so much! But that girl butchered it! She was awful!" He said.

"Yeah She was!" I say as we high fived. (A normal thing we do when we agree on something)


As The Xfactor ended I turned to face Niall.

"Hey Niall, you wanna now what I think! I think that next year when The Xfactor comes to town you should try out!"

"What I could never do that you no I get shy in front of crowds, plus I can't even sing!" Niall said.

"Come on Niall I know it has always been your dream to become a singer and besides I will go with you and if you get scared when you go on stage just look at me. And you are an amazing singer the way you just sang stuck in this moment was amazing and the best singing I have heard since Justin Bieber himself" I said trying to persuade him.

"Your right it has always been my dream. I just.... You know what I'm going to take a chance! Lets do this!"



So I really hope you guys like it and I realized I should probably post earlier and not really late at night when I should be sleeping.

I realize I haven't talked about any of them wearing clothes yet. But who knows they could all be nudest in a colony or something. Lol jk I just haven't talked about it yet

So if you guys don't know what a wreck this journal is, it is a book the you can write you feelings in or whatever you want and then on each page it tells you different ways to wreck it like throwing it out or taking it in the shower with you things like that!

Sorry the authors note is so long


So today I dropped my iPod and I cracked the screen really badly and I am bringing it in to get it fixed tomorrow so that is why I wrote this chapter early, becauseI might not be able to post for a few days but I will try and get a hold of something to post with.

Please comment vote and share!!

Love yous

N xx

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