12. Mission Siall

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Soooooo I hope you guys like this one and I'm sorry it's taking me so long to update I've just been really busy with soccer and school.

*Says in deep voice* But no worries I'm here and I bring another chapter! never fear N is here!


At one point Louis says something really fast without taking a breath and if your having trouble reading it you can scroll down to the bottom where I have spaced it out properly so it's easier to read

Anyways here's the chappie


Louis' POV

"You broke her heart!" I yell at Niall, I'm really starting to get pissed off now, he did something terrible to Sam and he doesn't even know he did it.

"Why are you so mad anyways? You should be happy she actually wants to be with you."  Niall says quietly sitting down on the edge of his bed and looking down at the floor.

I sit next to Niall and rub his back my anger down a bit as I realize how sad Niall actually is.

"What are you talking about? She always wants to be with you she can never stop talking about you." I chuckle a bit thinking about how Sam can go on and on not even stoping for a breath when Niall is the subject.

"Well it doesn't seem like it, lately she's been with anyone but me not even talking to me." He sighs.

"You just don't get it do you Niall?"

"What are you talking about? I don't get it? There's nothing to get now that we're hear and she's met you she doesn't want me anymore."

"Niall all Sam is wants is you. Have you seen her these last few days she's been miserable, and I don't think there is a time when she isn't wearing Those shoes you got her. She may not be talking to you but she defiantly wants you to be with her in some way." I stop for a second thinking over my next decision she told me not to tell him but I have to, "Sam's going to kill me if I tell you this," I say quietly.

"Niall, Sam likes you. A lot actually." I chuckle a bit.

"Then why has she been avoiding me? If she likes me wouldn't she want to be with me, or at least not ignore me?"

"I told her not to but she said it was the only way." I sigh.

"It was the only way? There are so many more ways to do this, you know like actually telling me."

"She told me she couldn't handle not being your friend."

"Why wouldn't I be her friend Louis, why wouldn't I be her friend... if I feel the same way about her?" He says finally looking up to me.

I knew it I knew it I knew it! I mentally scream. Stop it Louis this is a serious matter you can be all excited once this is over!

"She was ignoring you because she was trying to get rid of the feeling that she has for you."

"But why would she do that, it makes no sense."

"Love makes you do crazy things." I smile at Niall. And I think I hear Niall's breath hitch.

"Sam thinks that you could never love her back, and she knows it would be easier to try and forget her feelings then to have you find out, not want to be her friend anymore, and tell her to leave."

"Like I just did." Niall says disappointed in himself finally knowing what he did to Sam.

"I can't believe I did that, what am I going to do?" He says mad at himself.

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