The beginning.

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It's officially 12:00 am here. August 25th. Enjoy everybody and thank you so much for reading.

"Okay, okay you win this time." Justin sighed with frustration and handed me a bath towel.

"Aw thanks, baby. I'll make it up to you later."

He rolled his eyes but smiled anyways. I wasn't about to get my hair wet messing around with him in the shower.

"You ready for tonight, Mrs. Bieber?"

I grinned. Him calling me that still has the same effect it had on me almost a year ago. "Yep, we all know you're going to win anyways."

"Baby, I know but that isn't fair to say because the others try just as hard as I do to make good music for the fans-"

"Justin, your beliebers are the best fandom in the world. What do you mean? There's no doubt in my mind that you won't win tonight."

I grabbed my signature lotion, PINK by Victoria's Secret, and began to lotion down my body.

Justin licked his lips and watched me closely. It amazes me still how he can be so horny sometimes even long after we had our children.

" come you look just as beautiful as the day I met you in that grocery store?"

I shrugged my shoulders and put the lotion back on the sink. "Black don't crack."

Justin laughed and handed me my silk pink bath robe and matching slippers. This man just loves to spoil me.

"I see that." He came up behind me and grabbed me by my waist, pulling my backside into his front. "One round, please? I won't take no for an answer."

"No." I crossed my arms and poked my tongue out. "N. O."

Justin started tickling my sides and I let out a loud shriek. He hasn't changed a bit.

"Okay, okay! One round. That's it. You have to go to rehearsals and get your outfit ready so make it quick."

"I won't make any promises!" He picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, and ran straight to our king sized bed.
"Za is distracting me!" I shouted to Scooter, who rolled his eyes.

"Za, please leave him alone so we all can go home. Justin do that again but try not to mess up this time."

I nodded and started off singing again. I chose to sing Beauty And A Beat. One, because it was one of my most successful songs and two, wifey was going to be in the audience. I had a special surprise for her.

Za sat back in his chair with my twins on his lap and his own daughter sitting on his shoulders.

Aysia was snuggled into Alfredo's chest fast asleep.

"Ok, last time. This time make room for when Nicki comes on stage. Then you can do your little surprise after she finishes her rap and goes off the stage again." The stage director told me. I nodded.

"Oh! Make sure the lights don't blind him on stage, please. We don't need any accidents." Alfredo told the lighting guy. He lowered the lights a bit, earning a thumbs up from me.

"Thank you!"

"Dada, up up." Jaceon reached out to me from Za's lap. I jumped down off of the stage and picked him up.

"What's wrong, lil man? You hungry?"

He shook his head no.

"Thirsty? Sleepy?" He shook his head for both.

"Me sing?" Jace pointed to himself with a smile on his face. My son was born to be an entertainer.

"What I tell you?!" Za yelled. "I told you that one of them would get into the business. We know which one now!"

Jay looked over at the two of us and reached his arms up as well. "Dada, up. Me sing too."
I picked him up as well.

"Well well well, look at that. Can I say I told you so now? Who's your daddy?"

I kicked Za in the knee and walked over to the main stage again. "Okay, babies. Just hold this-"
I handed both of them a microphone and stood each of them on separate sides of me. "And sing into it. Whatever you want, ok? Dada doesn't care. Just sing."

They both smiled at me before starting a song off. I had no idea what they were singing but they sounded amazing.

"Dada sing too!" Jaceon squealed, making Jay nod and squeal as well.

"No, no. Daddy has to save his voice for tonight."

They both pouted and looked down at their shoes. "But Dada sing good." Jay whispered. Jaceon nodded his head and extended his little arms as far as they would go. "This good."

They earned a couple of aww's from Za, Fredo, Scooter, and the rest of the team.

"Now you have to sing, man." Fredo said with a grin as he rocked my baby girl back and forth so that she wouldn't wake up. "They said you were really good."

"Yeah, what he said. I don't agree though. I mean you aight and all..." Za trailed off as his daughter, Mia, smacked him clean across the forehead with her cup.

"Damn, Za. Even your daughter knows that was some bullshit you just said." I said, making everybody laugh.

"Man, whatever. Just do what you do best."

I nodded my head and grabbed a microphone for myself.
"Trust me, you don't even have to tell me

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