Chapter two: Mood Changes

Start from the beginning

Louis’ hands went into his pockets, and for the first time in the full ten minutes I’d been with him, he looked up and kept his gaze off his feet. “I have a car. I prefer not to drive, though. Walking is much better.” He eyed me, blue eyes burning into my skin. “You’re, what, fifteen?”

“Sixteen,” I corrected quickly. “I turn seventeen in February.”


Things were silent for the next few minutes. Soon we came up to a small condominium, colorful with dark green grass and lightly browning trees. I followed him as he headed towards one of the flats, 103, and I watched as he fished out his keys.

“Your parents aren’t home?” I inquired, leaning against the wall as he unlocked his door. He shook his head, staring into his dark apartment.

“I live by myself,” He said bluntly. He glanced at me, both of his eyebrows raised. “Are you coming in or not?”

“Oh, um, yeah,” I stammered, trailing behind him into the house. “Why do you live by yourself?”

Louis smirked softly, and my stomach fluttered. “Why do you ask so many questions, Haz?” He blinked as he caught his mistake, his playful smile disappearing. “Sorry. I meant Harry.”

I shook my head and chuckled, hitting him in the shoulder. He flinched away from me as if he was scared, but I didn’t let it bother me. The nickname he gave me made my heart swell. “It’s fine. I like Haz.”

Louis bit his lip, smiling shyly. For a second, he didn’t seem like the oldest. “O-okay…”


   I watched from the couch as Louis stared out the window. I wasn’t sure what he was staring at, or why, but I didn’t want to disturb him. He was easier to admire when he wasn’t doing anything. His back was to me while I waited patiently for nothing specific, able to stare without potentially being questioned about it.

Louis had a feminine look to him. I didn’t know how to explain it; he was curvy. He'd changed out of our uniform attire, now sporting a t-shirt, sweatpants, and a gray beanie. He had a particularly big bum.  It definitely wasn’t a bad thing, because some people might've found it attractive.

Harry, you think it’s attractive, I thought to myself. You think he’s attractive. You think he has a cute bum.

I turned my head to the side, examining him closer. There was no way that I was attracted to Louis. First of all, I barely knew him. Second of all, he was a guy. So what if his bum was...perfect?

But, of course, it didn’t surprise me that I was possibly attracted to a man. I had been through all of this before, a couple years ago. I didn’t know what I liked, guy or girl. It was all confusing. I didn’t really care though, because it was just a phase.

I was going to slip out of it.

“Harry, why are you staring at me?” Louis spoke up,  not turning away from the window.

I blushed hard, my eyes darting to the floor. “How would you know if I was staring at you?” I whispered. I didn’t deny staring at him, however; there was no point in lying.

“Everyone stares at me. I think I’d be able to tell if people do.” He sounded regretful, like he didn’t want it to be that way. Like it wasn't his fault. "I can feel your eyes on me."

I stared down at the couch, running my hand along the soft fabric distractedly. “That sounds awfully cocky.”

Louis turned himself around, his eyes pleading. “Please don’t think that,” he said hastily. “I’m really not. People don’t stare at me the way you would think they do.” His lip trembled slightly and he swallowed visibly, and I started to feel bad. I had made him upset.

“Wait, Louis, I’m sorry,” I muttered, frustrated. This had gone off to a pretty bad start. I didn’t know he was so fragile. I got up and headed towards him, reaching out and recoiling when he smacked my hand. 

“Stop it,” he snapped, closing his eyes. He took a shaky deep breath. “H-Harry, what time do you have to be home?”

I squinted at him. Why did it matter? Here he was, all shaken up about something, and he was worried about my curfew? “My mum won’t worry if that’s what you’re concerned about.”

Louis fumbled with his hands. “Someone’s going to need to drive you home,” he said weakly. "I should go ahead and take you."

I frowned, pushing his chest so that he backed up. “I don't want to go home. Don’t worry about me, Louis. Will you sit down? You look dizzy, and you’re worrying me.”

He reluctantly took a seat on the couch, leaning back and pulling his feet up. I smiled softly at him, and he stared up at me. “Harry?”

I sat beside him, pushing my dark hair out of my face. “Lou?” I answered in the same innocent, quiet tone he had.

He sighed, blinking a few times at me before looking away, his face flushing. “If…if you’re not doing anything this weekend, do you want to come back here? I was thinking we could maybe hang out.”

I smiled wider, nodding. Somewhere in the back of my head, a voice was shouting: isn’t he technically asking you out?! Admit it, Styles, you're fancying him! I got butterflies, already thinking ahead to this Friday. “That sounds great.”

Louis’ face lit up, his mood changing significantly. “Awesome.” He giggled, much to my liking. He got up off the couch and bounded towards the kitchen. “Sorry I smacked your hand, Haz.”

I grinned, watching him in a dreamlike state. “Mm-hm.”


Well hey, guys! Chapter two is up! I'll try to get chapter three posted ASAP! Check out my other story too, eh? Comment if you like!

What d'you think will happen when they "hang out"? *eyebrow wiggle* Oh! And I betcha see why  Harry likes that bum...>>>>>

Thank youuuu, invisible readers! :p


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