"Um..I'll think about it..." We heard Bech say to the guy who was blushing deeply red.

"Bech, we're back." Xuan Xuan said, interrupting their conversation.

Bech looked somewhat relieved and said, "Hey, sorry, but my companions are back. Bye!"

Then, she quickly dragged both of us away.

"Do not ever leave me alone like that ever again." Bech said through gritted teeth.

"Why? He looked hot to me." Xuan Xuan whistled as she cast a flirty glance back at the dude.

"You have Zuo Hu already!" I exclaimed as I punched Xuan Xuan lightly on her shoulders.

"I know, I know. Chill. I'm not gonna cheat on him, he's all I need." And as an afterthought, she added, "And want."

Bech and I swooned at Xuan Xuan's words. Then Bech said, "The guy back there gave me his number and asked me out on a date. But have you seen where his eyes were looking?!"

Xuan Xuan and I looked down at Bech's.. yeah.. and then quickly looked back up again to meet her glare.

"What a pervert." I commented.

Bech rolled her eyes, "His breath smelled too."

Xuan Xuan chuckled as we arrived at a door. Bech straightened her blazer as she smiled, "Okay, forget him. It's time to get professional."

Xuan Xuan nodded as she, too, fixed her hair.

I took a deep breath as I thought of the 14 year old Qian Xi. His blank but teary face when he told me he couldn't dance anymore.

My heart clenched painfully as I breathed out. What do the 19 years old Qian Xi look like?

Is he still the same boy that I obsessed over?

Does he still...remember me?

I can't believe he's two years younger than me but I obsessed over him. What the hell was wrong with me?


"Hey...you okay?" Xuan Xuan whispered in my hear, breaking me out of my reverie.

I blinked repeatedly when I realized that we had all entered the room when I was still reminiscing the past that I had hoped to forget.

Apparently, Bech and Xuan Xuan had already introduced themselves but I haven't.

So much for a first great impression. Wow, Zhang Xing. I'm impressed. Note that sarcasm.

I blushed as I said, "So..sorry. Hi, I am Liu Zhang-" Then I caught myself and stammered, "I mean.. I am Luo Chan Zhao. It's very nice to meet you."

I glanced down at my feet awkwardly, waiting for the next person to introduce her/himself.

"Hello! I am TFBoys' leader, the handsome one, the charismatic one and the one who will capture your heart , Wang Junkai! I hope to work well with you!"

Shoot. They're really here.

I slowly looked up and stared at the 21 years old Junkai.

He had grown really handsome over the years, and if possible- more charismatic. His smile was just as gorgeous as ever and his eyes were friendly. But you could tell that his egoistic pride has also increased a lot.

I diverted my attention to the next boy- man- as he introduced himself.

"Hiii! I am the cutie pie of the group, Wang Yuan! Nice to meet you!"

What the heck? Even though this 14 year old aged to be 19, he still looked so vibrant..so energetic..so..young.

I smirked a little when I noticed Bech staring at him, more than the other.

Xuan Xuan was smiling politely but she was shifting from one leg to the other uncomfortably. She was probably really nervous right now.


My breath hitched at the voice. It was deep, soft and shy.

I turned my head and my eyes locked with his. He was staring right at me.

"I am Yi Yang Qian Xi. It is nice to meet you all."

My eyes roamed his features. I couldn't pull my eyes away.

The 19 year old him stayed the same. He still had that adorable fringe, and those cute deep dimples when he smiled. His eyes turned into a slight eye smile but everything on his face showed that he was shy.

He was still the same Qian Xi.

Then I quickly lowered my gaze to his legs.

It looked fine...maybe he has recovered well enough to dance?

Suddenly, two girls entered the room and bowed in apology for being late.

"Hello. I am Chin Jia Jia."

"Hi. I am Chin Jia Yee."

"We are from CC Entertainment...it is nice to meet you all."

Hmm. I never planned to include ze characters from V_Twins_x3 's book "You are my world" but hmm... it just happened okay?

But by no means is this story linked to that story!!

The girls will have different personalities, different everything. It's like a 2nd dimensional version of them xD

Alright, enough said. Sorry for the slow update; I hope you enjoy this.

I love you to anyone who stayed and is still reading this [🍕 here. My boyfriend for you. I'm willing to share ^^]

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