Two Dates, One Kiss...What's next?

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Chapter 11:

 "So you're basically saying this shit just went Vampire Diaries on you? Without the vampires obviously. Unles-" Max said the ends on hair bouncing from her excitement. She was driving, which when I think about it, has to the terrible decision I've made yet. She swerved around the Cali road to Drew's house. Don't judge me! I need the cash.

"They aren't vampires, Max." I said giving her a blank stare as I hid the remaining bruise around my eyes with her concealer. Air brushing so foundation on and applying eyeliner. A swipe of red lip stick and I'm me again. Just with a smack of make up on. Yay.. I put the make up back ito my bestfriend's bag.

"Sexy." She commented looking at my red shorts them my dark blue flowing buttoned sleeveless shirt that was tucked into my shirts. My shoes, platforms that were black then sprinkle with girfeete and floral prints that were dark colors, red and blue included. "This Drew gotta be someone if your wearing heels. You better not hurt my babys." I rolled my eyes and grinned at her.

"Actually this is for Jay." I said refering to my boyfriend, sometime passed it was summer at it's best in California and she was with Jayden more than she was at home. Not doing the deed but just having fun. It's been uncomfortable and also kind with Drew. He was still an asshole occasionally and actually the most awkward thing that happened was that we may have madeout... 

"Drew is so much better, I mean the guy did the a modern Romeo and Juliet scene for you. And if you don't take him soon I will, Ann." Her nickname for me. Andy and Ands. Yada Yada. She only called me by nicknames if she was really happy or really angry. 

"So..," I said looking at her, I realized the goofyness in her smile. "You slept with my brother." My brother, Tom, a dark and grey eyed boy that all the girls that I've ever met have drooled over in the light of day.  

"No, but he asked me out." She said trying to stay cool but I could feel the happiness seeth out of her and into the air. 

"I guess we both have dates, huh?" She said with a smirk. "Didn't you say Drew was going on a date too?" 

"Yeah, I did." Said as I looked at the window. I mean I made out with the guy then Jayden and I started dating. When Jayden asked for me to be his girlfriend, I decided I couldn't wait any longer for Drew to make a move. That might have been selfish of me but I couldn't  deal with being played again. But damn.., did his lips feel so good. 

 "The Chloe chick again, really..?" Chloe was a blonde and baby blue eyed girl, that was especially disgracing blondes everywhere according to Max. 

"Yes, the Chloe chick." It seemed like just because Drew decided that Amber was all wrong for him that he would try again with a blonde. I was dating Jayden for about a week and I couldn't stop having Drew in my head so I tried as hard I could to spend as much time with Jayden as possible. I was out of my home, and that bruise that I was covering up was fresh. But that meant I was staying with Drew. Hence, the clothing. Max and myself were heading back to Drew's from a chore that had to do for Drew. Important documents or something.

"I don't understand, why you're torturing yourself by working for Drew." She said glancing me and then back at the road. "I mean you could always live with me, like old times."

"I can't live with you forever, Max. I love you but I get a life to." I got out of car, wearing my black blazer now, holding a bunch of paper in a teal colored box. I took out my keys and opened the door. I looked in front of me and closed the door immediately. 

"What?" My bestfriend said as I turned around back to car I got for working for Drew.

"He's having sex on the table."


I felt hands push my hair aside and start kissing my neck. 

Breathe... Remember you have a boyfriend now.

I laughed and scrunched my nose when the vibrations of Jayden's laughter tickled my neck. He turned me around to face him. Picking me up and placing me on the desk, his legs in between mine.

"Hey." He said putting his forehead against mine as his green eyes stared into my brown ones.

"Hey." I said back smiling. Putting my hands around his neck while he put his hands on my waist and hip. I moved my lips to his.

"Adriana could yo-". 

Of course

"See the difference between me having sex on a table and you guys having sex on a table is that, it's my house and I look better doing it."

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