Shopping with Mr.MoneyBags

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** Okay guys, how much do you love Ian Somerhalder? I know right. So You guys I have a game for you. Do you want Somerhalder to be Drew? Or the hottie on the side?

Drop me a comment on who's your favorite, If you guys don't decide, I'll decide. And the hottie on the side is looking really good right now. ;P** 

Chapter 5:

"I never going to wear that." I said with a blank face to him, as he held up a pair Orange Prada heels. Orange.. ugh... What an ugly color and there's no way I'm wearing those feet murders.

"You are, if you want to keep this job." 

"I don't understand, what shopping for clothes for me, is part of my job? Let alone the deal."

"The deal was I'll make sure you don't get fired and you," He points to me."have to get me Amber." He said referring to Amber Coles, a snooby, ugly, and big boobed bimbo that is a actor, gorgoeus  apparently and blah blah. Anyway, he wants me to be his "little helper" to get her.

Did I have a choice? 


Did he beg?

Hell yes. Kneeling and cupped hands. The whole begging act.

Well, I am exaggeratting it a tiny bit.

It was kind of me who begged...

"What about this?" I looked at the pink dress he held up him. Once again, I looked at it then him blankly, grabbed the dress and threw as far as I could. We've been at this for quite a while now.

"Does that answer your question?"He let out a laugh.

"Oh god, you're a stubborn one."He smirked me and I smiled sweetly back.

" And you're asshole. Thanks for stating the obvious." I said dropping my sweet smile at the nearest trash can at the end.

I grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans and a tank that had the holes for arms huge. It said "Good Girl" in bold black letters on the grey shirt. And hand it to him.

"That's what I want."

"Ironic how you want that shirt." He continued the annoyng smirk of his.

"Ha ha." He turns and grabs a sliteeo heel that was red.

"Only if you wear heels." I stared at his blue eyes questioning if he really was serious.

"Are you going to make me buy anything pink?" I questioned him with squinting eyes.


"Hmm Okay. But about the pink, you can buy it but I sure as hell won't wear it.

"Watch you'll be wearing it and you'll love it."

"If I have to wear then so do you." I smiled eviliy handing him a pair if pink heels that he showed me a few hours ago.


"Fine then I'm not either."I said putting a serious face and turning my head. 

He hear him sigh, and I smile inwardly. I look at him, then the shoe as if motioning him.

"I hate you, Adriana."

"I love me too, Drew. Me too." I smile at him.

He takes of his converse, throwing them to the side, and then socks. He puts on the shoes and gets up with a sigh. And starts walking awkwardly.


"No, you have to really work it." I say as I try to surpress the fit I'm about to have. He puts on a stupid smile as I guess was supposed to look girly, and starts walking around while swaying his hips. And doing girly hand motions. As he was n the middle of shaking his ass. A elderly woman walks out one of the fitting rooms and sees him. And just stops and stares. She goes to grab something and returns with a pink shirt handing it to Drew. 

"This will go so much better with those shoes." He gives him a smile then me and walks away.

I couldn't hold it anymore, I burst to laughter.

"See I told you look gay."

"I do not!"

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