2 Boys and One Drink

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Chapter 6

Everyone makes mistakes, right?

Its not just me who fails to do things right.. 

Maybe it's the stupid thoughts my mind creates, the stupid thoughts that I wish so badly stayed with my head and didn't come out of my mouth. But as they always did, my mind and mouth betrayed me.

"So this is the famous Amber?"I asked Drew quietly in his ear. She was smiling, with her dark red stained lips pouted just enough. Her blond hair cut in a fringe that covered her forehead neatly, and the rest of hair her was up in a french twist. Strands falling loose and elegantly falling around her face. Her eyes- oh they were real show stoppers, were- are way more beautiful and attractive. They were the color of amber, like an expense whiskey . Her black dress did nothing but compliment every curve she had. I now saw what he liked about her. To say I was jealous, was an understatement. I looked around to girl and guys at the party. They all stared, I couldn't blame them she was gorgeous.

"Yeah." he replied simply and distractedly. I could tell his eyes were occupied and more so his mind without even looking at him. I looked at him, angry a little. I looked at the side of his face, his dark hair tousled and blue eyes holding a glint of something as he looked at her. I looked at her- with her perfect hair and body. I looked at myself in the red lace dress that Drew chose, my feet in the dreaded heels. All for him and he'll just send the whole time looking at her. I looked at my arm around his and unlinked them. I took a step away, and saw from the corner of my eye saw him open his mouth. But just when he was going to say something, she walked up to him and started talking to him. He smiled at her. She smiled back and giggled at something he said.  I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around myself. I turned my eyes away from them.

"Some one's happy." A deep, sarcastic voice said. I looked up to met with  dark green eyes and blond haired guy. Clad in a black button up, a few buttons undo. His slightly tan skin peeked from the shirt. And blue jeans, and ...black combat boots.

"Maybe I'm not. What's it matter to you?" I asked in unexcited tone, it was rhetorical but something told me I would get an answer from this guy. I turned my eyes back to Drew and Amber. Watching as she softly pat his chest as she laughed. He smiled, genuinely back at her hand, looking at her hand then her eyes. I felt like jealous girlfriend.

"Jealous?" He whispered to me, his smirk clear through his voice. I laughed humorlessly and looked at him.

"Of what? Them?" I nodded towards their direction. I snorted. "As if. Who are you, anyway?"

"Jayden. Who are you?" 


"Well, Adriana you're not a face I've seen around here." 

"That's because I'm not." I looked into his green eyes. Should I be talking to him?

"Then what brought you here."'

"A car. You know with the wheels and the seats.." I said sweetly towards him, with a fake smile. He let out a laugh.

"Funny." He looked me up and down." I like you."

"Well, that's great. Too bad, I don't like you." I said not looking at him anymore.

"Adriana, let;s go I want you meet some one." I nodded at Drew and walked to his side. "Hey Jayden." He nodded in greeting towards him.

"Hey Jayden?" I asked Drew. 

"Yeah, you know he's Amber's brother." I looked confused back at Jayden.

"Oh." I just said, there was no resemblance what so ever except for the blond hair.

"Step-brother." I nodded in understanding as Jayden explained.

"Wishing you were nicer to me now?" Jayden asked me.

"Nope." I heard him laugh as I walked away.

I talked with an endless amount of people. Some terrible, some incredible. Terrible because during the conversation they never let me speak, just constant bragging. During those conversation, Drew was disappearing more often. Until, I was on a couch and a drink in hand, he was absolutely gone. I was exhausted and being at this party made me feel like I was loneliness person here. I let out a sigh. I looked at the stairwell and took a sip of my drink. I looked at the top when I heard laughing. I walked to the bottom and looked. To find a Drew half naked buttoning up his shirt and zipping up Amber's Dress from the back as she tried to fix her hair. I immediately dropped my drink. I walked to the door and getting Drew's jacket. Grabbing the keys and throwing the jacket around myself I took a last glance over my shoulder and walked out.

I took the key and scrapped it across, the front. I could hear some one calling me. It didn't sound like Drew's voice, so I didn't stop. I took off my heels and threw them into the car. I start walking towards the back of the flaming red colored car and slipped. Almost land on my face, until some one's arms wrapped around my waist. 

"What the hell, are you doing Adriana?"

"I couldn't rip his heart open like he was opening mine, so I decided hurt his 'baby'" I did some very drunk quote marks. I could hear Drew's voice now.

"What's wrong? What are you doing, Adriana?" He said his eyes scanning the scratches. I laughed at him.

"Done f**cking her already? Beautiful one she is." I pointed to Amber that stood behind Drew.

"Maybe I should take you home, Adriana." Drew said walking slowly towards me and putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked at his hand and shoved off of my shoulder in disgust.

"No, no. You stay with her," I pointed at Amber "I'll take him." I said pointing at Jayden. Jayden pointed at himself in surprise and question. I put my hand on hip and gave him a blank look. He got the hint and got into the car. I gave Drew a fake sweet smile and wave. And even throw a smile and wave towards Amber. 'Hot ,right?' I mouthed to her. She lowered her eyes to the ground. Jayden revved the engine as I stared into blue eyes, that stared into brown eyes with an intensity I couldn't example. I turned the radio on when we were out of sight. And let it play loud, it was so loud it felt like it was vibrating my soul.

"Where do wanna go?" Jayden asked me over Fences by Paramore.

"Anywhere but home." I said truthfully  as my head rested on the door side as I stared at the side of Jayden's face. He looked at me and let out a laugh and smile. 

"What?" I said lifting eyes a little so I could see him better. 

"You look cute."

"Cute? That's what you call a dog not a person." I scoffed at hm. He laughed again.

"Well, you're beautiful then." He said looking me slightly with a smile on my face. I couldn't stop the smile.

"Shut up." I said holding the smile back a little. 

"There's no winning with you is there." I didn't look at him, in fear that he see my smile.

God am I drunk today....

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