Pancakes and Dancing

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Hi everyone :)

So before I started writing this, The Yellow House was #110 for paranormal. Thank you, sooooo very much for reading it! I love ANYONE who reads this, and I'd really love to know your thoughts on Leo or Kiwi, as well and any suspicions of where the plot's headed.

P.s. I changed it's category because it's more romance than humour. On saying that, maybe the romance aspect will surprise you?


My eyes flew open as memories of last night came back. I shot up in bed and my eyes found the beanbag instantly. The beanbag which was now absolutely empty, with no signs of any presence. I searched the whole room for Leo, finding no one. I started to doubt myself; after all, it's not like the presence of a ghost was an indisputable fact...

Then my eyes landed on a pile of books in the corner. They were all pretty short ones, and they were all out of their ordinary places on the bookshelf. My mouth crept into a smile. Leo had been here. He'd read all night? That was an awful lot of books to get through in one night... Then again, he didn't have to waste time sleeping.

I frowned. Where was he now?

I threw the sheets off me and grabbed some clothes from my closet. I went over to my door to make my way to the bathroom. I opened it and came face to face with Leo. I squeaked in surprise and he jumped back.

"Umm... hi. I was just about to knock." He said, looking shyly at me. I took a deep breath.

"Yeah, ok, I just... don't appear suddenly remember?" 

"I didn't... I appeared in the hall and then I was going to knock. I've been here a few minutes now. To be honest, you were the one who appeared suddenly." He smiled at the thought.

"Ok, well I'm going to shower. Wait in my room for me?" I called over my shoulder, after edging around him. I knew it was unnecessary, since I could just walk through him, but I knew he'd appreciate the thought.

"Sure." He said, and I closed the bathroom door behind me.

Whilst in the shower, I thought about everything that had happened in the last day, and how suddenly my world had completely changed. I realised that I'd spent around ninety percent of my time over the last few days thinking about Leo, even when I didn't know he was a ghost. Then again, stalkers and ghosts did tend to dominate people's thoughts.

I washed my hair thoroughly with my strawberry shampoo. Strawberry was my favourite fruit, which amused my mom to no end. She always laughed at the irony that I preferred them to Kiwis. 

Once my hair was clean, I used my special summer sugar scrub. It made me feel all soft and I smiled. I suddenly worried about keeping Leo waiting, but realised that he was always here, so waiting for me at some point would be inevitable. With that thought, I took my time relaxing in the shower. 

I admit, it was a little mean that I left him there for around forty five minutes while I dried my hair, did my make-up and got dressed, but it couldn't be helped.

I ran back to my room and jumped onto the bed next to Leo. He smiled at me as I got comfortable, tucking my legs underneath me.

"Sorry about the wait. So, what're we doing today?" I asked, thinking of possible activities for a ghost who couldn't leave the house.

"No problem." He said, before shifting to face me with excitement in his eyes. "Music."

I waited for some kind of explanation, and saw the excitement falter.

The Yellow House- Editing (New Chapters Added In)Where stories live. Discover now