Chapter 15 Coming Home

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Are you feeling okay Thomas asked. Yes I am feeling just fine Thomas I said picking up Asher. I put my baby boy on the bed and put on one of his adorable little out fits. Then I picked him up and held him close to me. How can my entire world be so tiny I asked Thomas. That’s what happens when you have a child he said. Hey babe I have to go to work is your mom going to get you and Asher Thomas asked. Umm no Thomas, your supposed to take us home with you now I said. We started gathering up things and I put Asher in his care seat. The nurse came in and made me get into a wheel chair, She wheeled me down while Thomas carried Asher out. Thomas strapped our baby boy into the car then helped me get in the car. Asher was really quiet, he enjoyed the car ride. Finally we got to the house and Thomas carried Asher in while I carried in his diaper bag. I have to get to work, ill be home later he said kissing me goodbye. Well Asher I guess its just you and me I said as Thomas walked out the door. I turned on some quiet music and fed Asher. I rubbed his tummy until he fell asleep. Then I got up and cleaned the house. Then I pushed Asher’s bassinet into the kitchen so I could prepare dinner for Thomas and everyone else. I decided on chicken alfredo with grilled chicken. I finished cooking and set the table about that time Thomas walked in and Asher started crying. Thomas walked over and picked him up. Dinner smells really good he said smiling as he started to change baby boys diaper. He laid him back down. Then sat down at the table, everyone else came in about that time and sat down as well. Everyone ate and complimented my cooking, our dinner conversations were pretty dull. I got up and started cleaning. Brenna it is fine I will do the cleaning said my mom. Thanks mom I said. I was extremely tired so I took Asher’s bassinet back into our room and laid down finally feeling how exhausted I was, closing my eyes I fell asleep.

*A Few Hours Later*

I woke up enough to feel Thomas climbing into bed. He was on the phone. Of course I love her, I just feel like she deserves so much better Thomas said. He paused to listen then went on talking. Yeah I have to go I don’t want to wake her or Asher up. I will talk to you later Timothy bye Thomas said. Then he cuddled up next to me and kissed my forehead. I love you Brenna he said. Then he went quiet and fell asleep.

*A couple hours later*

Asher started wailing, Are you going to get up and get him to sleep. I would but I have work tomorrow Thomas said. So I got up and fed Asher and rocked him back to sleep. I went back into our room and laid him back down into his bassinet. It is not always going to be like this Thomas. I said then went back to sleep

Growing up and moving on(Teen pregnancy story)*Being Revised*Where stories live. Discover now