Chapter 11 New year, New start

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*Next Week*

*27 Weeks*

I was laying in bed when I got the call. Hello I said. Brenna I have some horrible new cried the women on the phone. Tell me I said thinking something horrible happened to Thomas. He’s dead she screamed. I started crying in hystarics right as Thomas walked through the door. A sigh of relief flooded over me. Who is dead I asked calmly as Thomas came and sat down next to me on the bed and took my hand. Caleb, he is gone, he got his father’s gun and left letters for everyone. I started crying. The funeral will be Wednesday. I will come by your house and drop the letter off for you she said crying. Then I realized it was his mom. I hung up the phone and fell to pieces. Thomas moved closer on the bed next to me. I started crying, it hurt because I loved Caleb despite everything that happened. Baby everything is going to be okay, Thomas said. He put his hand on my stomach and started rubbing it. Baby you need to stay strong for this little guy. He needs his mommy Thomas said. I started crying and fell asleep. I opened my eyes and Caleb was right next to me. Caleb what are you doing here I asked him. I came to tell you goodbye before I go, I love you and ill always be with you in your heart. He said kissing my forehead, then stood up. He pulled the gun from behind his back and put it to his head. No Caleb I screamed. Bye Brenna he said pulling the trigger. I started screaming, then I opened my eyes. Brenna it was just a dream Thomas said as he held my shacking body. Caleb’s mom came by and brought this he said handing me a folded letter. I sat up and put on my reading glasses and opened the letter.


I know you probably think what I’m about to do is wrong, but it’s not it’s right for me. When I first saw you I knew you were a special girl. I am so glad that I got to spend the four months with you that I did. You are beautiful and once your son is born you will be a great mother. I knew you were pregnant for awhile cause when we cuddled. I would feel your stomach and it was hard. I honestly thought it was mine. I wasn’t for sure you were pregnant until Jordan told me and I was so mad that day. I am so sorry you fell because of me. I have blamed myself everyday since then for all your pain. Have you ever just loved someone so much you decide to do something to protect them. Well I love you that much that is why I am doing this. The last day we were together, when I saw you and Thomas together and happy. I lost it, that is why I hurt you. Then when Thomas came in I realized what I had done. So I told him I was done. Now the past three weeks, I have been thinking about this. I am so sorry I hurt you. I am sorry for hurting you so much. I really do love you goodbye Brenna, goodluck with your little boy.

Love always and forever,


I threw it across the room and something solid fell out of the envelope. I started crying Thomas went over it picked it up. It was a small silver ring that was engraved our names. He handed it to me and I slipped it on. He didn’t say anything he just held me in his arms and let me cry.


I got myself ready for Caleb’s funeral. I was a mess, I decided to just pin up my hair and wear a simple black dress. Thomas put on black slacks and a black shirt with a blue tie. I held the last picture Caleb and I had taken together. When we arrived everyone from school was there. Thomas and I walked over to Caleb’s mom and she pulled me into a hug. I told her how sorry I was and she hugged me tighter. I handed her the picture of Caleb and I, she started crying after about twenty minutes it was my turn to speak. I gathered myself and let go of Thomas’ hand. I walked up to the podium then cleared my throat. But the tears had already started. I only had four months with Caleb, we spent almost every day together. He could make me smile and laugh even when my heart hurt. He was there for me when I felt so alone. Caleb had a big heart, anyone who knew him knows that. I know I will miss him being in my life. Caleb will be missed, then I started crying and Relo walked up to me and walked me back to my seat. I laid my head down on Thomas and started crying. Finally after the funeral he took me home and I went to sleep

Growing up and moving on(Teen pregnancy story)*Being Revised*Where stories live. Discover now