Chapter 12 Happy Birthday

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*6 Weeks Later*

*33 Weeks Pregnant*

I woke up and Thomas was gone. Morning baby he said coming in with a trey of food. Happy Birthday baby he said kissing my forehead. Come on baby today is the day your graduate and its your birthday. I don’t feel good baby I am ready for our son to get here I said. He sat next to me while I ate the delicious pancakes, bacon and eggs and toast he made for me. He pulled out a neatly wrapped gift and handed it to me. I opened it and it was a picture of me and him on Christmas eve right after he had proposed. I kissed him and then got up and started getting ready for the day. My mom was already at work so Thomas and I drove to my school. I finished up my drink and we got out of the car. He walked with me into the building my class was at. My parents followed. We had my graduation ceremony then Thomas took me out for lunch. I was so freaking hungry, I ordered a huge steak and a loaded baked potato. We need to figure out a name for the baby Thomas said. Well I want him to have Calebs middle name if you don’t mind I said. No I don’t mind at all. How about Derrick he suggested. No that’s to common, I honestly have no idea I said. We finished eating and decided to head to Weatherford since we were meeting my parents over there for dinner anyways. We walked around the strip mall and found a baby store. We walked in and picked out a few items for our son and purchased them. Then we went to pick out a new bed set. Finally it was time to meet my parents. So we met them at on the border. Hey sweetie how was your birthday they asked me. It was great I got to spend it with my family. I put my hand on my stomach. I cant wait for this little guy to get here I said. We finished eating dinner. Dana decided to ride home with Thomas and I. We jammed out to music on the way home. Finally we got home and Dana helped Thomas carry in the bags. Thanks sis and thanks babe, how about a birthday back rub I said pulling off my shirt and handing me lotion. He sat behind me putting lotion on his hands and rubbing my back. After about thirty minutes I turned around and kissed him, thanks so much for being here for my birthday baby I said as he pulled me into his arms and put his hands on my stomach. I cant wait for our family, I love you baby Thomas said then we fell asleep.

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