The Frigid Prince: Chapter 3

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Enaguille looked down at his feet feeling stupid, how could he believe the gods would suddenly smile down upon him now. "I did actually, until now." He said relaxing his guard and looking back up.

Methais smiled sympathetically for him and said, "Yea we thought the same thing for a little while at least. But no doubt there are others who have already started climbing, so are you with us or not? We could use someone with your power on our team."

"You may need me but I don't need you, remember only one can have the wish."

Enaguille turned away from them and started jogging ahead. He stopped when all of them suddenly appeared much further ahead of him. Methais turned around and called back to him, "Then I guess we will see you at the top. Farewell." The group then started jogging forward; Enaguille ran after them.

When Enaguille caught up to them they were all standing before the multiple set of stairs leading up. Methais saw him and smiled, "Changed your mind about joining us already?" He asked.

"No," Enaguille answered. "But I'm starting to reconsider letting you guys live, with those abilities of yours you might make it to the top long before me."

"I don't believe you would kill us for something so stupid. And I think you know that we're not some bloodthirsty cut throats either; annoying perhaps but not murders."

"Why are you so keen on me joining you guys? We don't know each other and this place is dangerous."

"Exactly why we want someone as powerful as you on our side. C'mon we saw you at the Evercain wall and would have asked you sooner but couldn't find you. Besides no one truly wants to be alone, how about joining us up the stairs and through the next floor at least. If you still don't want our company then I promise we won't bother you no more."

Enaguille looked over all their faces carefully. They were a lively bunch but sincere as far as he could tell. "Alright," he said, "I'll let you guys join me. But I take lead and if you even consider stabbing me in the back you won't live long enough to regret it."

Methais smirked and gestured towards the stairs, "By all means lead the way."

Coming out onto the next floor the others looked around with a sense of wonder. Enaguille looked around for signs of danger but found none. "Woah this ground is spongy," Curtis said as he walked into the floor.

"Yeah and check out those weird fruit trees," Igor said. "They might be edible."

"Really? They look pretty tasty in fact."

Curtis walked over to the nearest dark tree and plucked one of the fruits. Enaguille watched with great interest as the pink haired guy, Curtis, ate the dark fruit. "It's pretty good guys try some." Curtis said finishing off his fruit.

As the others went and plucked some fruit of their own Enaguille asked, "Didn't you guy's bring your own food rations?"

"We ate the last of it before coming in here," Methais said. "Did you?"

Enaguille looked away; that was a no.

Methais smirked and tossed him the fruit. Enaguille caught it and Methais said, "Well then eat up." He then plucked another fruit and began eating it.

Cautiously Enaguille sniffed at his fruit and tore a chunk out of it then licked it. It didn't taste poisonous; in fact it tasted rather good. He ate the chunk he tore off and when he didn't feel sick right away, and because he realized he was starving, he devoured the dark fruit.

When all of them finished eating Methais said, "Well I'm kind of exhausted now that I got some food in my stomach, anyone else?"

The others answered with a yes.

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