The Frigid Prince: Chapter 3

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The Frigid Prince: Chapter 3

Stepping through the dark veil and coming into the tower Enaguille was riddled with disappointment. The base floor was an empty round room of light grey color. Going further into the empty floor a voice blatantly spoke out behind him.

"Well this was disappointing. I sure thought there would be more in here."

Enaguille turned around to see a small group of young men around his age (perhaps a little older) standing just by the tower entrance looking around the room. Upon seeing Enaguille the three of them smiled at him and waved. The one in the lead called to out to him, "Hello there my frosty haired friend."

Judging by his voice Enaguille realized he must have been the one to shout out his disappointment in the towers first floor. Enaguille glared at them, a little annoyed by their presence, and turned away.

Not five steps further was Enaguille stopped by a voice right next to him asking, "Mind if I ask you a question?"

Startled by the sudden presence right next to him Enaguille jumped back. He saw one of the young men from the group standing right next to where he was before he jumped. The young man turned to face him and scratched at his short brown hair, "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you," he said.

Enaguille turned sideways defensively and glanced back to see the others casually walking towards them. "How the hell did you get to me so fast?" Enaguille demanded to know. "You were all the way back by the entrance when I turned away from you."

"I teleported." The young man said with a big grin on his face. "My name is Yadriel, what's yours?" He asked offering out his hand.

Enaguille didn't take it but he relaxed a little more, still keeping his guard up though, and said, "Mine is Enaguille."

Yadriel withdrew his hand but kept his grin. "Yadriel can be a bit eccentric at first," one of them said from behind Enaguille.

He turned around to see the others now just behind him. Yadriel walked over to join his friends and the one taking lead said, "My name is Methais. The bald one is Igor, and the pink haired fool is Curtis. And you already met Yadriel."

"And together we are, 'the mighty mystic four,'" Curtis said pumping his fist into the air.

Igor hit his face with his palm and said, "I told you not to call us that. It makes us sound like morons."

"Look what do you guys want from me?" Enaguille asked before they started arguing amongst each other.

"Well we saw you all by your lonesome self and thought you might want to join us in climbing the tower." Methais said.

Enaguille scoffed and said, "You didn't think this through very well then. For all you know I could be a murder and might slit your throats the moment you lay down to rest."

"For you, it'd probably be easier to just freeze us all now."

"What are you getting at?"

"Come on, we saw your stairs of ice climbing all the way up to the top of the Evercain wall. That is some insane magic; you might be even stronger than the council."

Enaguille shook his head annoyed and asked, "Why are you guys even climbing the tower anyways?"

Methais shrugged and said, "Same reason as you we presume, to get that at the top."

Enaguille took a step back, preparing his magic for a moment's notice. "How did you know about that wish?"

"Duhh, all of Grimnar knows about the wish; it came in that weird dream on the full moon. Did you really think you were the only one?"

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