Part 2- Kise Ryota

Start from the beginning

"Tet-kun... Pass me the basketball now." I used my bangs to cover my eyes.

I caught the basketball with ease, and shot the ball torwards the farthest hoop. "There's no way that will go in! She's not even in the court! She is on the side!" A guy screamed.

Sheesh... It's like the Japan's basketball world doesn't know me...

"Your wrong ssu." Ryo-kun spoke.

"HAAAH!?" A guy screamed and kicked Ryo-kun.

"She's the one who taught Midorimacchi how to shoot far ssu." Ryo-kun looked at the floor.

The ball slammed into the hoop...

The hoop shook and broke...

"WHAT THE HECK!" Hyūga-senpai and I'm guessing the other captain yelled.

"Dragon's roar 45%" I mumbled.

"Now you have to let them use the full court." I looked at their coach.

He growled at me and let them use the full court. Kise was able to play...

But I wasn't allowed. -3-

Aida-senpai said I should be a 'secret weapon'. So she made me sit out the whole time...

~Time skip~

Taigi was standing in front of Ryo-kun, Ryo-kun had the ball...

Tet-kun smacked the ball out of Ryo-kun's hand from behind and Izuki-senpai got the ball. Izuki-senpai scored and gained us some points. When they were going back, Ryo-kun accidentally hit Tet-kun, and Tet-kun fell down.

The whistle was blown, we had a time out.

"TET-KUN! ARE YOU OKAY?!" I yelled worried.

"I'm okay." He responded.


"I'm okay..." He stood up.

Hyūga-senpai and Taigi were near Tet-kun...

I was too shocked and scared. I stayed at the bench...

Tet-kun fell again, and I ran towards him. I held his hand as they brought him to the bench, I volunteered to aid him. I rested his head on my lap...

' Don't start the water works... I will come out. ' The voice inside warned.

Too late...

I formed tears, and she was released. My right eye still had the tears, but my left eye became blue and the tears were gone.

I gently layed Tet-kun's head on the bench and stripped off my Seirin jacket. Another tear streamed down my right eye while my left stayed dry, and then I stepped on the court with my uniform.

"Oi! Akemi! Get back here!!" Aida-senpai screamed.

My left eye stayed dry...

My right eye streamed another tear...

My left eye glowed a lighter blue.

I'm EXTREMELY weak when it comes to a friend getting hurt. I can't stand it! I lose control and my other personality is released. I cry with my right eye and my left eye always stay the same.

"You cannot tell me what to do, I am superior. Since I always win, I'm always right." I growled at my poor senpai/coach.

"Seirin player change!"

I stepped on the court...

{ A/N: Okay, I'm sorry... But honestly I had to spend 3 minutes looking for what quarter Kuroko got hurt in... And it was PAINFUL! Like the videos didn't have the quarter number and I watched Kuroko get hurt MANY times. I know this is different from the anime, but AHHHHH! Kuroko got hurt by Kise, and I am hurt af... }

"Taiga switch marks with me." I demanded.

"Your not calling me Taigi..." He muttered.

The game continued, and I kept scoring...

I got past Ryota's defense and stole the ball from his teammate. Ryota tried blocking me, but I shot the ball immediately and the basketball landed in the hoop. Since the 3rd quarter, I didn't let my team, nor Kaijo's team touch the ball. I scored and scored...

Letting my emotions take over...

Ryo-kun couldn't stop me, no one can. Unfortunately, they thought I was in the zone...

NO ONE has seen me in the zone. I repeat NO ONE. What they have seen was me only using 55%...

"You have improved Ryota, but you are far from defeating me." I stared at him with my heterochromatic orbs and shot a three pointer.


"Line up!"

We lined up...


"Thank you for the game." Both teams chorused.





























『 Akashi x OC 』The Dragon EmpressWhere stories live. Discover now