Chapter Thirty-Two

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"I'm not lying, Kyiah. I'm FINE. I just wanna get Sam back." He says, passing by her. His heart racing.

"That's not it." She argues, watching his shoulders tense at her response. "You haven't said more than ten words to me in days. You're not eating, you're not sleeping. You're drinking again...What is going on?" Kai communicates delicately. Observing his unhinged wavelength, the spiritual level she could now psychically see. The makeup of his comforting soul infested in such an invading red, she couldn't decipher the true gleam of his aura. "Baby, just talk to me." She pleads. The ache in her voice only deepening the weighted guilt in his chest. He couldn't tell her, he couldn't even admit it to himself. All he could do was desperately try and keep control.

"Kyiah, drop it-" He warns against the bubbling detest.

"No." She says, stepping after him. "You're hiding from me." She proclaims. "Don't, do that."

"I'M NOT HIDING!" He yells, spinning around. Seeing her calm kept composure only added to his own offense.

"Than why won't you talk to me." Kai requests, watching his avoided eye. Dean flashes her a bland expression.

"You think I want this? That I want to feel like this? You think I want to be this way?" He asks, his voice low, putting Kyiah on her toes. "I look at you, and see every mistake I've can ever make." That knocked her emotional control down a peg. Firming her voice.

"What part of this is a mistake?" He keeps quiet. "Taking me out of the bunker? Or us?" The silence only continues. And Dean turns his back again, heading for the door. "Dean." Kai calls, knowing he was marching himself straight into destruction. She stood helplessly in her place as he dismisses her, taking a sharp breath and lifts her hand. "Dean, stop." She demands, using her powers to forcefully bring him to a halt. Quickly releasing her hold as a harmful spark hits her hand. Cain's energy was fighting back...Dean slowly rotates, but when his eyes reached her, he was no longer Dean.

"I'll be back in an hour." Cain growls, breaking their stare as he opens, and closes the door. Kyiah hears the Impala start up, listening to the sound of Baby's disappearing engine until she was left in another silence. Feeling a distinct notch in their compatibility, looking down into her stinging, honey whirling, palm.

- - -

Hours have pass since Cain abandoned Kai in the motel. The digital clock face reading 3am, and there was no sight of the Impala. She left a single light on by the window, just incase he actually decided to come back. The further he was from her, the stronger she seemed to be. Yes, she had her juice back. But next to Dean, they were harder to manifest. More frequently and easily wiped out. Just by being around him. His amplified levels of self loathing fueled by Cain's curse were almost as strong as her omnipotently altered magick.

The lock of the Motel door clicks, catching Kyiah's attention from her meditation. Uncrossing her legs and leaning over the side of the bed in wait. Dean stumbles inside, the door shutting with more volume than needed. His head hung to his chest as he tosses the keys on the kitchen table. Only to have them glide right over and hit the floor, staggering his way into the room. Lifting his drunken head to take a swig of the bottle slipping from his grip. His eyes catch Kyiah.

"Thought you'd be asleep." He mumbles. She didn't speak, keeping her practical inspection. Knowing what could come next, and what to do if it gets to that...He lowers the liquor, the glow from kitchen lamp spotlighting the blood dripping from his hands and down the glass. Kyiah steadily eases off the bed, noticing him sway in inebriation as she wary encounters. Keeping her gaze to his blood splattered face as she tenderly reaches for his hand. Dean jerks away from her, she doesn't flinch, simply pauses. Watching in wait for him to relax before trying again. Successfully running a loving hand down his arm. Watching his eyes shut, his drunken weight teetering into her while her fingers sooth him. Slyly gliding down to his hand, prying the bottle from his fingers to place it on the table. Returning to examine the damage. These gashes were worse than any of the previous times. Rashed under thick blood and plentiful slices in balance with the back splash on his face. Kai was practically keeping him standing, steering him for the chair at the table behind him. Wetting a dish towel with a bottle of water from the frigid as she opens the awaiting first aid kit. Sitting across from him to patiently clean and stitch his damaged hands. Manipulating him into drinking the water with subliminal mental messages. Easier to compose his actions through his drunken state.

Star Fall / Book One (SPN Fan Fiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora