The door opened behind her and she turned around to see Maya walking towards her. 

"What happened back there?" Maya asked. Her face was pretty neutral but Naomi could hear the accusation in her voice. 

"Kian saw me kiss Emily," Naomi grumbled, putting her face in her hands and dropping to sit on the cold ground. There were a few people milling around the patio still, not paying attention to the pair of girls. 

"Wait, ex Emily?" Maya piped up, moving to sit next to Naomi on the ground. 

"Yeah, she's here and earlier I was at the height of my drunkenness and I may have angrily told Emily that I still love her."


"Kian's pissed, obviously. He left, I think."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I saw Cook run out after him."

"Ugh, what do I do?" Naomi asked, rubbing her face. It was cold outside, causing a shiver to run down her spine. 

"I dunno," Maya whispered, slinging an arm around Naomi's shoulder. "You really fucked up, kid."


Emily's arm ached from catching herself. She instantly regretted not wearing the sling. Jordyn was going to scold her. And not just for hurting herself again. Or she could just.. not tell her about the kiss. She was certain that she wasn't inside to see it. Emily managed to untangle herself from the group of bodies that surrounded her and stalked off towards an empty table while carefully rubbing her elbow.

"Hey," Jordyn called out to her, walking up behind Emily. 

"Oh, er, hi," Emily answered, avoiding direct eye contact. 

"I'm getting kinda tired, wanna head out? I also work tomorrow, so it would probably be a good idea for me to get to bed before 2 am," she grinned. 

"Actually, I think I'm just gonna go home."

Jordyn's smile faltered. "Oh. I just thought maybe you'd want to spend the night."

"Not tonight. I'll walk you home though?"

"Sure," Jordyn replied, turning for the door. 

The pair walked the short distance to Jordyn's flat, hardly talking at all. The air was cold, as the autumn air became cooler as the days progressed. They stopped outside of the brick building and Jordyn turned to face Emily. 

"Is everything okay, Em?" the brunette asked, concern filling her face. 

"Yeah, just tired," Emily lied, looking down at the side walk. 

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"'Course," Emily forced a small smile as she glanced up at her girlfriend. "I'll call you tomorrow," she promised, pressing a kiss to Jordyn's forehead. 

"Goodnight," Jordyn sighed before turning towards the front door of her building. 

"Night," Emily mumbled in response. She waited for Jordyn's kitchen light to turn on, signalling she was inside, before she left for her own house. 

Emily quietly entered her childhood home, pulled off her clothes, and cleaned off her costume make up before crawling into her bed. Katie didn't come home that night and Emily figured she was probably hooking up with that boy from the bar. Come to think of it, she hardly saw Katie all night. She decided to shoot both Katie and Jordyn a text to inform them she was at home and in bed. Looking back, she had sobered up quick after Naomi kissed her. She could still feel Naomi's lips on hers. And she hated the way it made her feel; excited and guilty. She never wanted to be this person. She never wanted to be a cheater. She remembered how it felt with Naomi told her about Sophia. She had forgiven her for it, but it still hurt. Now she was doing the same to Jordyn. It made her feel sick.

I'm Sinking Like a Stone in the Sea // NaomilyWhere stories live. Discover now