Chapter 2: The Moon and The Stars

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(A/N: Gonna be updating this story every day until it is complete, feeling to start a new story soon based on anything you guys want. Let me know the ideas you guys come up with!)

The afternoon seemed to fly by for a certain Uchiha who lay on her bed, tears running down her face, as a hidden rage began to work its way up inside of Sasuka as she gripped her sheets and attempted to calm herself, all to no avail. Sasuka had been drinking almost all afternoon, so what she did next wasn't totally suprising. She screamed out and attacked her bed, punching the matress and driving her fist through the soft, fabric material repeatedly. She then focused her rage on the full body mirror on her wall and kicked it dead centre, causing the glass to shatter into, minuscule shards of its former self. Having felt like she'd vented her anger enough, she stood from her bed and stared out of the window, mesmerised by the huge, white orb in the sky surrounded by several, miniature, white dots. Sasuka's mouth fell open slightly in amazement at the beautiful sight before her. This girl had been broken time and time again in her life, a beautiful break was the least she deserved. Something clicked inside of Sasuka, as she gasped suddenly. 'I know what to do... How did I not know?!' She took off out of the District, the night sky acting as a blanket for her in the dark, set on finding a knuckle-head.

"So you see Kakashi-Sensei, I don't know what happened to Sasuka. I mean I didn't intend to do that but... It just happened..." Naruto stated before asking Teuchi for another bowl of Ramen. The silver haired Jonin simply chuckled in his lazy voice and replied "Well , Naruto, you of all people know how short Sasuka's temper is. As for your actions," he sighed "Naruto, be honest with me. Do you have feelings for Sasuka?" Little did the two know, the Uchiha in question stood on the roof of Ichiraku's, listening intently with a large, deep blush spreading across her pale features. "W-What?! Kakashi-Sensei! What s-sorta question is th-th-that?!?" From behind his mask, the Jonin glared at Naruto, making a familiar, nervous grin reappear on his face, before he sighed deeply and answered. "Kakashi-Sensei... I guess you're right.... I really do love Sasuka. I don't know what it is about her, shes just so perfect; her hair, her smell, her smile, her body, her drive and determination. But...." Naruto was now staring sadly at the ground, gripping the fabric of his jumpsuit at his thighs. "Naruto," Kakashi began. "Please continue." Naruto nodded slowly before taking in a deep breath and finishing his speech. "But she would never love me. To her, I'm just another idiot in the village stopping her from getting stronger. I've prooved my self too many times to her, yet she still sees me as an immature child. And on top of that -" 

"I like you too, Naruto." The two ninja turned around to see a confident, yet drunken, smirking Sasuka, hands placed on her hips. She tried her best to walk sexily towards Naruto, but was wobbling all over the place before clumsily tripping and falling chest first into hid lap. She giggled, which was enough to make Naruto's heart skip a beat and his face reach a redder blush. Sasuka stood herself up in front of Naruto, grabbing the front of his jumpsuit and shouting and slightly slurring, "Naruto! You idiot! You're the biggest idiot ever but I love you! I got *hic* a suprise for *hic* youuu~"

 Before Naruto could even reply to Sasuka, she clumsily crashed her lips against Naruto's, forcing her tongue into his mouth and climbing into his lap. Kakashi watched wide-eyed and in shock, as his two ex-students practically ate eachother's faces. Sasuka moaned lightly into the kiss, as Naruto ground his hardening member against her clothed centre. The taste of alcohol made Naruto pause momentarily, before Sasuka gripped his hair and shot her shockingly long tongue into his throat, breaking Naruto's trance and reminded him what was happening, before he began kissing back.

 Despite being drunk, she was still the Princess of Lightning and she pulled away from Naruto and stood up panting, a blush painting her cheeks yet again, making her look like a horny dog. She grabbed Naruto's hand and dragged him to her mansion. "H-Hey S-Sasuka wait! Where are w-we g-going?!" Sasuka didn't stop dragging Naruto as she looked back, smirking seductively. "Well, you're *hic* gonna get laid, Dobe!" Naruto tried his hardest to suppress the fiery blush now burning across his face, but failed miserably. 

Within minutes, they were inside Sasuka's mansion and instantly, Sasuka lips covered Naruto's passionately, pressing her body completely against his before he decided to take control, pinning her to the door and grinding against her core forcefully, expelling moan after moan from her supple lips that were more accustomed to releasing insults, as opposed to moans of pleasure. Sasuka pushed away from the door, her lips still working against Naruto's, as their tongues fought lustfully in eachothers mouths. Naruto's legs hit the side of the blue, leather couch in the living room, causing the pair to fall together onto the chair. Sasuka's head lay dormantly on his chest as he raised her head up, only to notice that Sasuka had fallen into a deep, drunken slumber. Naruto smiled sweetly at the sleeping beauty and proceeded to carry her bridal style to her room. Upon entering the room, Naruto saw the destroyed mattress and shattered mirror. 'So this is what you did....' He decided to carry her into her mother and fathers room and lay her gently under the covers, before smiling at her flawless, sleeping form and brushing a wild lock of hair away from her face. He planted a small, sweet kiss on her cheek before standing up and turning to leave. Naruto was stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a small "Don't go..." From the sleeping Sasuka. Naruto began to undress until he remained in his tank top and boxer shorts and climbed in along side Sasuka. He kissed her once again before falling asleep, murmuring "My Lightning Princess".

(A/N: Well... What'cha think? Feedback in the comments section or message me personally with any ideas. See you guys tomorrow!)

Sasuka, I Love You... (Fem!SasuxNaru) Slight AUWhere stories live. Discover now