"We're lucky the weather went south when my father showed up. We have grey clouds to help camouflage us. Balthazar took off into the air, almost instantly we were in the clouds. We flew over the grey clouds. I looked down below for any signs of the group. Once I saw that we were far enough away I dropped below the clouds and continued forward. I saw the group flying toward us the second we went under the clouds.

Balthazar increased his speed and made it to them within a few seconds. He opened his wings to stop himself in front of the group.

"Where were you guys? We found Storm-," I cut him off.

"We need to go back to Berk now. We will explain everything when we get there." I said quickly. He was quiet for a moment then nodded. I let the group fly ahead, so I could watch our backs.

"What happened?" Hiccup demanded as we all sat in a conference room, our dragons all behind us.

"Drago Bludvist is back and looking to attack soon." Astrid said, now in her usually state, arms crossed. I hated seeing her so scared when we were on the island.

"We were eating and I heard him yelling. We hid in the forest lining, but not before hearing his plan, partly." I further explained.

"What is his plan?" Snotlout asked.

"He appears to be capturing more dragons. We need to send an imidiate lock down of the island. If any rider goes near that island they take the dragon and kill the rider. No one is allowed to leave except us." I commanded.

"I understand." Hiccup nodded. "Gobber, call the townspeople to a meeting, now. We address that issue first then we will sit down and talk about this in an hour." he announced. Gobber was already out of the room, blowing the horn. The horn is loud, but the island is way to far to hear it.

"I know you're chief, but I think it is my duty to tell them. I want them to know who I am before I help any of you." I told him.

"You can make the announcement, I will speak after you are done." he said. I nodded and followed the group to the town square where we would be making the announcement. I followed Hiccup, my war face on.

We arrived at the town square with the entire town surrounding the high raised place where the chief would stand. I stood on it, remembering the many lessons I received from my father on how to present things.

"I am Hlín. I have only encountered a few of you, so I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hlín Idun Bludvist and I am the daughter of Drago Blutvist. I was raised as a war machine and I can't beat anyone in this village at there own weapon. I can beat the biggest, the strongest, and the smartest. I was trained since I could walk in the art of war from my father.

"At the age of twelve I was abandoned. I was left for dead because I failed a simple task. My mother told me it was because of my hair and eyes, but my father told me otherwise. I met Balthazar not long after, he too was abandoned. Before I arrived her on Berk I heard the story of how Hiccup and Toothless beat the mighty Bewilderbeast, taken under the control of Drago Blutvist." the townspeople cheered happily.

"I am here to tell you that he lives." I said with my face still emotionless. "Drago Blutvist is planning an attack on Berk soon. He is on the island heading south, the closest one in fact." I continued. Astrid whisped in my ear to give the order, so I did.

"By order of Chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III no one is allowed to leave the island with their dragons. If you do, punishment will avail." I finished.

"What is the meaning of this?" a man called out.

"We don't know you, why should we trust you. You are his daughter" a woman yelled, soon the whole town was yelling at me. Hiccup was about to step up and ay something, but I put my hand out telling him no. Balthazar stomped his talons into the ground which were connected to his wings. SIlence went over the town.

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