He tries to remember the moment he realised his was in love, and thinks back to how much it had hurt when they'd argued, and how much it felt like somebody had punched him straight in the chest. He guesses that was it. He thinks that -- in fact, no, fuck, he can't think, not with Ryan doing what he's doing. In fact, why isn't he just thinking of what's happening, right now?

It takes three minutes of groaning and passion to bring Brendon to the edge, and when he comes, he comes hard, twisting his fingers into the softness of Ryan's hair and tossing his head back, letting out a throaty, husky moan from the depths of his throat.

"G-God Ryan," he manages to laugh, as the boy stands up, smiling slightly. "You're just, well. I mean. Way better than P.E., to say the least."

"Well," Ryan grins, taking Brendon's glasses from his pocket, and putting them neatly back onto his boyfriend, "I'd be disappointed if you thought any different."


A few hours later, and the pair of them have recovered from their little excursion in the storeroom, and are walking through Brendon's front door.

As Ryan shuts the door behind them, Brendon stops, letting out a contended sigh, and leaning forward to press a quick kiss to the corner of Ryan's mouth. Ryan smiles, shaking the hair from his eyes. "What was that for?"

"For lots of things," Brendon shrugs, smirking. "But mostly for the amazing sex we're going to have tonight."

Ryan laughs, only going slightly red. "You're such a whore, Brendon Urie. Subtlety really isn't your strong point, is it?"

"Nope," Brendon replies, happily. "But isn't that a good thing?"

"It's a great thing, of course," Ryan laughs, patronisingly ruffling Brendon's hair. "Promise me you'll never get any dignity?"

"I promise," Brendon says, with a serious expression, and he slips his hand around Ryan's waist, to pinch his ass. Ryan lets out a surprised sound that sounds embarrassingly like a squeak, which causes Brendon to practically double over in laughter. Ryan scowls, playfully, and pushes him in the shoulder.

Brendon somehow manages to recover, and quickly finds Ryan pressing him against the wall, with a passionate, almost hungry kiss. "I don't know why," Ryan murmurs, against his mouth, "but the sound of your laughter is a real turn-on."

Brendon snorts, without quite meaning too, which kind of ruins the kiss. As Ryan breaks it, Brendon informs him, "You say that I'm the unsubtle one? You're about to undress me in the hallway."

"I can't think of anything else I'd rather do," Ryan says, with an innocent smile.

"Well, let's save it for the bedroom." Brendon somehow manages to restrain himself from having sex right in the middle of the hallway, and leads Ryan towards the kitchen, by his hand. "We'll get something to eat first; build up stamina, and all that."

He pushes the door open to the kitchen, and comes to a dead halt, Ryan banging into him as he does so.

It's with a strange sense of déjà vu with which he surveys the scene. He'd been scarred enough seeing his mom making-out with Rodney against the counter - but now? It's kind of worse. His mom and his dad are making-out, in the same place, and he wonders then and there how painful it would be to pour bleach in his eyes.

"You two have absolutely no self-respect, do you?" he groans, burying his face into Ryan's neck to try and avoid seeing any more. "That's now damaged my brain a bit, thank you very much."

"It's okay, they've stopped," Ryan whispers, soothingly, though his voice is shaking with laughter. Brendon looks up, reluctantly, to find that they have indeed broken apart. His mom looks flustered and humiliated, whilst his dad merely winks at his son, running a hand through his hair, looking overly pleased with himself.

"Um. W-well," Mrs. Urie stammers, smoothing down the front of her shirt. "Did you, er, both have a n-nice day at school?"

Brendon completely forgets the horrific sight he's just witnessed, his mind instead going to the much nicer memory of storerooms and blowjobs. He goes a little red, and clears his throat. "It was, um, good thanks."

"I'm glad," Mrs. Urie smiles, and shoots her husband an embarrassed look, as though the whole thing is his fault. "Would you both like a drink or something?"

"Yes please," Ryan replies, and goes forward to helps her make them. Brendon's just about to follow suit, when there's the buzz of his phone in his pocket. He flips it open, to see he has a text. He assumes it's from Spencer or Jon or Brent, so he's very surprised when he sees an unknown number.

Frowning slightly, he opens the text, to read: remember what i told you. tomorrow, watch out.

He blinks, and rereads it, wondering what the fuck somebody is sending him that for. Ryan breaks him from his thoughts by telling him he's just made him a lemonade, and so he closes his phone, and puts it back in his pocket.

As he takes a gulp of his drink, he decides not to tell anybody about the text. It's probably just some stupid joke, and why would he want to worry anybody with it?

Still, he can't quite shake the strange, foreboding feeling growing in the pit of his stomach.

He tries his hardest, though, and when Ryan asks him what's the matter, Brendon shakes his head, smiles, and lies, saying that everything is fine.

Because of course it is. It'd be stupid to get freaked out.

Wouldn't it? 

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