Chapter 22

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Brendon rushes through the school, not really caring that he's banging into a fair few people as he does so.

His mom forced him to go to school, despite his protests, saying that his education can't suffer. He wanted to just stay at home and look after Ryan all day - but his mom seems to have become rather protective over the boy, and says that's her job. When he'd left that morning, the cops were just coming round, wanting to talk to Ryan about what had happened. He wants to make sure his boyfriend is okay, and he knows full well he's going to run all the way home.

He'd told Jon and Spencer about what's happened the moment he got the two of them alone, at lunch. They'd both been wide-eyed and concerned and sympathetic, and asked when they could come round to see Ryan. Brendon told them to give it a couple of days, but was more than pleased that they cared.

As he jogs past the changing rooms, he trips over something, which sends him sprawling onto the floor. There's a ripple of laughter throughout those passing by, and nobody stops to help him. He gets to his feet, cheeks burning, and then casts around for his glasses which have fallen off.

His vision is quite blurred without them, but he spots them a couple of metres away. Just as he reaches down to get them, somebody stamps, straight onto them, smashing the glass and bending the red frames. He straightens, startled and indignant, but somebody grabs him by the hair before he can do anything.

"What the fuck?" he asks, struggling as hard as he can, but whoever it is gives a laugh - a laugh that makes Brendon's heart sink. "Timothy, get the fuck off me."

"Not a chance," the boy laughs, and drags Brendon through into the changing room. Brendon feels painful tears rising in his eyes, and he blinks them away. He feels as though his entire scalp is about to be ripped off. "Where's your psycho boyfriend today? I haven't seen him around."

Timothy lets him go, and shoves him hard. Brendon straightens, anger bubbling dangerously inside him, and he can just see that they're in the showers, alone. "Oh, he's obviously sharpening his knives, just for you," he spits, bitterly. He's fed up of this, of just taking all the shit that Timothy gives him, without fighting back. He's got more important things in his life now, than being afraid of some jock. "Can't you just fuck off, for once? I've got to get home, and I don't have time to deal with an asshole like you."

Timothy just laughs, sounding smug. "Aw, the fairy has a backbone. Who'd have known it?"

"You're just --"

Timothy interrupts him, however, as he grabs his hair again, and twists his arms behind his back. "You need to shut up," he hisses, into his hear. "You need to learn your fucking place in life."

"What's going on?" comes a curious, male voice, and Timothy releases Brendon, who rubs the back of his sore neck, wincing. He looks up, to see that Spencer and Jon are standing in the doorway, both glaring at Timothy.

"Oh, two more have come to join the fun, have they?" Timothy sneers, and he glances at Jon. "You know, Walker, I used to respect you. I can't believe you're hanging around with queers like this."

"Well, I've never liked you, so we're pretty even, aren't we?" Jon asks, coolly. "But I'd get away from Brendon if I were you."

"Oh, well, it's a pity you're not me, isn't it?" Timothy asks, sweetly, and he grabs Brendon's hair again. Brendon prepares to elbow him or kick him, or just do something, when somebody suddenly punches Timothy straight in the jaw, sending him reeling backwards.

Brendon blinks as he's released, in shock.

"Fuck you," Timothy spits, and leaves, clutching his jaw.

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