Chapter 6

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Brendon walks through the grass to his last class - Music - with a heavy heart.

Beside him walk Spencer and his friend, Brent, deep in discussion about computers or something. Brendon isn't really paying attention. All he can think about is how awful this lesson is likely to be, what with Ryan so mad at him and Mrs. Harris being so patronising all of the time.

Just as they near the building, however, three bulky figures step out of it, their eyes firmly on Brendon. Brendon's heart sinks and beats faster at the same time, somehow. He stops, and his friends stop with him, their eyes wide as the newcomers stroll casually towards them.

"Fancy seeing you here, Urie," Timothy laughs, with a gleam in his eye. His two companions - who look even bigger and thicker than him - share a knowing look. "Where are you going?"

"To class," Brendon replies, coldly, though he doesn't feel half as confident as he's sounding. "In fact, we should probably go now. We'll be late otherwise."

"Yeah, your friends should go," Timothy agrees, with a look at Spencer and Brent. "You two, fuck off. Urie and I need to talk."

Brent nods, with a guilty look at Brendon, and walks off towards the building. Spencer, however, crosses his arms and shakes his head. "No. I'm not about to leave Brendon here with you three, without anyone to back him up."

"Aw, has Smith got a backbone?" Timothy jeers, looking nothing but amused. "Fine, then. If you want to be witness to this, it's up to you. It's not as if you're going to stop me."

Brendon takes an automatic step back, eyes wide. He really, really isn't in the mood to get beaten up - but hell, Timothy is captain of all the sport teams, and he knows he'll never be able to outrun him. "Look, you don't need to --"

"Your boyfriend Ross isn't here to save you now, is he?" Timothy asks, softly, and moves closer. Ryan's name, however, suddenly makes Brendon remember the conversation of the night before - "Do you know why none of them ever say anything to me? Because I stand up for myself. That's all you have to do."

Ryan had thought he was one of them, because he couldn't stand up for himself, and suddenly, adrenaline-pumping through him, Brendon wants to prove himself to the boy, even if he's not there. "Fuck you," he growls, at Timothy, and he shoves the taller boy hard in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards, obviously surprised by the move. "Just leave me alone, okay? I've not done anything to you, and just because you're so narrow-minded that --"

Timothy laughs, the sound loud and obnoxious. "Wow, look what we have here. Somebody who thinks they actually sound tough."

"For your information --"

Brendon gets no further, however, as a fist slams into his face. He tumbles backwards onto the grass from the force, and he tastes blood, and fuck it hurts. Before he can even think to stand up or defend himself, however, one of Timothy friend's kick him in the side, winding him, and probably splintering a few ribs, too.

"Leave him alone," comes Spencer's angry voice, and the other boys laugh.

"I think that's enough for now," Timothy announces, sounding overly pleased with himself. "See you later, Smith, Urie."

With that, he and his friends leave the school gates, laughing to themselves and congratulating each other. Brendon lays, curled up in the grass, for a few minutes, not wanting to move. Spencer kneels by his side, and smoothes the hair from his forehead. "Shit. I'm sorry. I should've --"

"Not your fault," Brendon mutters, and then winces. He's got a split lip, and it even hurts to talk. He somehow manages to sit up, even though his head is spinning. He gingerly touches his tongue to the cut, and then winces. "We should g-get to class."

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