Chapter 15

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Thank you so much to those of you who are following my story! It means a lot! I'm sorry that I have not updated in a while, I was just busy with school. This chapter is dedicated to DramioneLoverShakey because at the moment she is working on a new cover for me and from what I have seen it looks amazing!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

"Good morning madam! Lúthien has called me here to teach you magic!" The man exclaimed, clearly excited.
"Magic?" Charlotte turned to Lúthien, "you arranged this for me?"
Lúthien nodded, "but Alex helped to!"
Charlotte suddenly seemed back to her normal self, "thank you so much! To the both of you!"
The man beckoned for Charlotte to follow him and decided to ask her a few questions, "so, how much or what has Isabella told you?"
"Isabella?" Charlotte racked her brain to remember someone called Isabella, "Oh! You mean the cloud princess! Now I remember!"
Shrugging, the man said, "Isabella or the cloud princess whatever you wanna call her. You can call her stinker -bell for all I care." Charlotte stared at the man and wondered whether he was sane.
"What's your name? You can't expect me to keep calling you old man," the man raised his eyebrows, "I"
"My name is not of your concern so you may call me Bob." The man replied not showing any sarcasm in his face. Charlotte stifled a laugh while remembering Alex pretend to be called Bob. "You still haven't answered my question. How much has stinker-bell told you?" Bob said impatiently.
"Oh. Right. Sorry. Well...she told me that I have magic and that I have the gift of telepathy. Although, I don't see how that helps when I have no one who shares my gift, who is alive anyway. She told me that I must find the gem and that the 'balance of the world, rests on my shoulders'. But I have no idea how to use my magic. I have tried several times and have failed miserably."
Bob stroked his beard, " student has not told you very much."
Charlotte's jaw dropped, "your student?"
"Yes! I taught her, of course! How else would she have been so powerful? Young people these days!" The man glared at Charlotte.
"Of course you did." Charlotte sighed. "Can we please just get on with it?" Slowly, Charlotte was becoming impatient. They were wasting time.
"Fine! But to learn magic, you must learn discipline. So stop being rude."
Charlotte groaned, she could not see how they were going to get anywhere.
"To start of with, I want you to stand up and breathe in and out. Concentrate on the air flowing in and out of your lungs." Reluctantly, Charlotte stood up and started to breathe in and out while Bob continued shouting commands, such as, 'legs apart' or 'close your eyes' or 'concentrate!'.

After a few hours of breathing Charlotte was fed up, "how is any of this going to help me learn magic? I already know how to breathe! I want to learn how to give my arrows extra speed or how to listen in to the enemy's conversations! This is pointless! I am running out of time! If I do not master magic soon, we won't be able to find the gem and the orcs will wage a war upon the rest of Aragonas!"
Suddenly the man's face darkened and he croaked, "You want to learn magic! Let's see if you can handle its power!"
Doubt crept into Charlotte as she wondered what he meant by 'handle its power'.
While the man was snapping instructions, Charlotte noticed the change in his voice; it sounded much sharper and angrier. It was almost as if he was afraid of something.
"I want you to shout ignis. It means fire. Focus on the colours of fire and imagine it in your hand. Remember to maintain your stance and breathe evenly."
Excited but scared, Charlotte did as she was told, making sure that she imagined red, orange and yellow tones. She closed her eyes and did everything that she had spent restless hours practicing. After a few seconds, she took a deep breathe and cried, "ignis!" Instantly, Charlotte opened her eyes to see a bright ball of fire resting on her hand. It was growing by the second. Suddenly, Alex approached Charlotte from behind and startled her. Out of reflex, Charlotte spun round and lost all control of the fire and it roared into life and tripled in size. Grimacing, Alex staggered backwards, clutching his hands tightly. Charlotte struggled to regain control of the fire, when the man quickly said, "perago!" Instantly, the fire vanished. Charlotte gasped and breathed heavily but her heart stopped when she saw what had happened to Alex. His hands were completely red and terribly burnt. Charlotte now fully understood what the man meant by, 'handle its power.'

I hope you all enjoyed that chapter! Comment what you thought of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

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