Chapter 11

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Thank you to everyone who is following along my story, I really appreciate it! This chapter is dedicated to NehaY358 and WinterSolstice2 because they are great friends! I hope you enjoy this chapter!
The woman laughed, "The answer is simple I faked my death."
"How is that even possible?" Charlotte gasped. "I don't have time to explain but all you need to know is that I am the cloud princess and you need to trust me. Can you do that?" The woman asked impatiently. "Yes. I think I can." Charlotte replied.
"Good. Before I say anything, I also want you to know that there are orcs not far from here which means we really do not have much time together. You have so many talents and gifts that you have not yet discovered and may not discover any time soon. Though, I will tell you one thing... You can cast spells. You have magic!" the cloud princess exclaimed excitedly. A look of utter shock crossed Charlotte's face,"magic? How can I have magic? That's impossible!" The cloud princess smiled at Charlotte and ,so that no one could understand, she whispered in elvish,"If telepathy is possible so is magic. I can prove it to you. Say "ostende mihi magicae". It means show me the magic." Charlotte stared at the cloud princess, wondering how on earth she knew elvish. It was rare that someone who wasn't an elf knew elvish, "ostende mihi magicae!" Looking around, Charlotte realised that nothing had happened. Part of her had wanted something to happen. "I told you I had no magic." Feeling a slight bit of disappointment, Charlotte began to give up hope. Suddenly Charlotte's hands started to glow, until she had a ball of magic resting on her palm. Smiling the cloud princess laughed gleefully, "are you sure you wouldn't call that magic? I would definitely say so." Shocked, Charlotte let out a burst of joy, "I have magic! I have magic!" she repeated over and over again.
Out of nowhere, the cloud princess fell to the floor, clutching her head. "What's wrong?" Charlotte asked worried.
"The orcs. They are coming. Charlotte you have to run. They know I'm here but they don't know about you!" The cloud princess rasped.
"No! I just found out that you aren't dead! I'm not going to let you die now! You're our only hope. You're the only one who knows where the gem is and how to use it." Charlotte cried. "No, my dear. I was never meant to save everyone with the gem, you were. My destiny was to die for someone who would restore balance and I now know that that is you! Now go!" The cloud princess looked at Charlotte solemnly. "But I don't know how to use the gem or where it is?" Charlotte whispered. "You will learn in time the powers of the gem and how to use it. When the time comes, you will know. Head for the caves on the east side of Aragonas. The gem is hidden there. I hid it there myself." the cloud princess calmly replied. Charlotte gasped, "so you are Luthien's mother! I'm not sure I'll tell him though..." The cloud princess sighed, "so you've met him. No. Don't tell him you saw me...I think he would be go before I cast a spell to physically move you!" Charlotte ran as fast as her legs would carry her but hid behind a bush to see what would happen. An ugly tall looking Orc stepped forward and circled the cloud princess, who was kneeling on the floor, accepting defeat. "So, it's true. You did survive. I can't say I'm particularly pleased. After all, you did cause us a great deal of grief." the Orc hissed. Puzzled, Charlotte strained to hear what was being said but with her elf skills she just about managed. "I can't say I'm pleased to see you either, filthy Orc scum!" the cloud princess snapped. "Well, we won't have to put up with your rudeness for much longer!" Smirking, the Orc drew a broad silver blade and pierced it through the cloud princess' stomach. Groaning, the cloud princess sent a quick telepathic message to Charlotte," goodbye my dear. Good luck!" Before Charlotte could respond she felt the presence leave her mind and suddenly felt a lonely sense of emptiness. Tears streaming down her cheek, Charlotte ran back to where the boys were, waiting with their eyebrows raised and arms crossed, "well? Where've you been? We were worried sick!" Alex complained. "No time to explain! Just grab your stuff! We have to leave right now! Orcs are literally two minutes away from here!" Still confused, Alex and Luthien packed their belongings and jumped onto their horses. Just before Charlotte got on her horse, a gust of wind blew a piece of paper into her face. She turned it around and saw the word "WANTED" in bold and just below it was a picture of herself. It was signed in blood and the reward was a large sum of money.
I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! I'm sorry this is a late update, I just have my end of year exams coming up so u have had to do a lot of revision!

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