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Mountains are usually no place for villages but there is one particular village that does live in a mountain.

In a beautiful village called Chillian, lived a young girl named Charlotte. She was 14 years old, with a wonderful imagination.

Chillian was an old village, full of exciting traditions. Traditions that were celebrated every year for example birthdays or Christmas which was the biggest event of all time! Not one person didn't celebrate Christmas! However, these are all positive aspects about Chillian but unfortunately there are some negative points as well. Chillian is based in an enormous mountain. So big that the whole village could fit and yes that may seem positive but it really isn't because the tragic reason was that they had been attacked every year at a certain date and time. It may not sound that bad but when "they"attacked the entire beautiful village was destroyed! So Chillian moved into the mountains the safest and nicest place it could stay.

Charlotte had a really extraordinary imagination and would always come up with magical stories for ones younger than her and those to old to do anything but listen. Everything and everyone adored Charlotte because she kept the village entertained in many different ways. Charlotte had long straight blonde hair with blue green eyes like the vast ocean itself. She was practical the leader of Chillian, only she was to young and was frustrated when they said she was not allowed but eventually she took that in as well because as soon as she turned 16 she would be announced the leader.

Living among Chillian were mostly humans, some dwarves and the occasional elf visited (but not often). It was a shame because Chillian always welcomed the elves but they only really ever came because of war. There were times when small Orc packs planned on attacking the mountain but were killed before they could even come near the mountain. Chillian was well known for having a strong army. Perhaps even the strongest army of all! Charlotte was part of the army and when it came to war she was no longer a sweet little girl but a vicious warrior! Even though hardly any Elves came to Chillian, some lived among everyone else because any trustworthy and good animal or person was allowed in Chillian. Funny enough, Charlotte was one of those people. she was accepted, like everyone else, and no one treated her differently just because she herself was an elf.

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