Chapter 14

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Thank you to those of you who are still reading my story! This chapter is dedicated to Amazing-D because she has supported me throughout writing this! Check out her story "the Journey" because it it an exciting read! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Shaking her head violently, Charlotte tried to remove the memory of what had happened from her brain and trudged back to where the boys were sleeping.
"Are you ok now, Charlotte?" Alex asked, concerned for his best friend. Hesitantly, charlotte lied, "yeah. I'm fine. I was just a little shaken up yesterday."
"A little." Lúthien murmured to himself.
But it was clear that Charlotte wasn't ok. In fact, she was the opposite of ok. It seemed as if a part of her was broken and would not repair so easily. You could see it in everything she did, she would not do anything with the same enthusiasm. During meals, she would play around with her food and not really eat anything. She became less social. When she cleaned and fed the horses, she did it with a sad and almost longing expression. Even with her extra elf skills, she worked slowly and it was if her elf abilities had disappeared. The boys became increasingly worried about her.

One evening, when Charlotte had gone to bed (extremely early). Alex gently nudged Lúthien's shoulder and quietly asked him to follow him. Once they had walked a bit further away from where Charlotte was sleeping, Alex suddenly stopped walking and turned around, "We really have to do something about Charlotte. I am seriously worried about her. What if she never goes back to her usual self. What if she always stays like this: antisocial, miserable, tired, expressionless."
"I have an idea." So Lúthien explained his plan to Alex and he nodded cheerfully in agreement.
"Let's go back to sleep now." Lúthien was pleased with the plan and could not wait to put it into action.
"Wait a minute! Lúthien, I just remembered something! Charlotte turns 15 tomorrow!" Alex said excited to celebrate Charlotte's birthday. "We'll talk about it in the morning!"

The following morning, Alex and Lúthien decorated the trees and made Charlotte breakfast: eggs with some berries they had found in a bush. Alex had made a joke while picking the berries, "I hope no one has done any business in this bush because I'm sure that that would not be very tasty. It may add some interesting flavour though!" Lúthien had looked at him, burst out laughing and had lightly hit Alex on the head. "Focus!" They had also somehow managed to put together a present. Although, Lúthien had decided that the present would be the plan.
"Ready? Do you know the song?" Alex asked curious to see whether it was only Chillian that celebrated birthdays.
"What song do you mean?" Lúthien had no idea what Alex was talking about.
"Happy birthday, of course! Did you not celebrate birthdays in Blackforest?" Alex questioned. 
"No. Not really. Why? How does the song go?" Lúthien wondered aloud.
Alex sighed, " goes like this:

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Charlotte!
Happy birthday to you!

We always sang it in Chillian! We always had birthday cakes, decorations, songs, everything you could imagine! Ok, I hope you know it now because you and I are going to sing it now!"
Singing the song quietly to himself, Lúthien walked alongside Alex towards where Charlotte was sleeping. Silently, Alex held up his fingers showing, three, two, one! Then they both began singing and Charlotte's eyes slowly fluttered open.
"Happy birthday!" Alex exclaimed. "Do you want some breakfast? We already made you some."
Surprised, Charlotte said, "thank you but is it really my birthday today? I must have lost track of time. And I will have a bit of breakfast."
"Great!" Alex replied, pleased with her progress.
While Charlotte was eating some berries Lúthien decided to tell Charlotte that they had a present for her, "you can come out now."
Out of nowhere, a man appeared. He had hair as white as snow and a beard of the exact same colour. He had a long black robe that reached his feet and that sweeper the ground when he walked. But there was something strange about this man. He smiled and said, "good morning madam! Lúthien has called me here to teach you magic!"

I hope everyone enjoyed that chapter! I was quite pleased with myself because I updated early! I will update the next chapter as soon as possible.

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