#3 Sorry I'm Late

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Ian: Where the fuck are you? It's 12:32. We were suppose to start filming Game Bang at noon.

David: Holy shit! Sorry. I didn't realize the time. I'll get there as fast as I can.

Ian: You better.

David: Hey, lay off dude. It's not my fault we had a little too much fun last night. Plus the least you could have done was woken me up.

Ian: You don't see me complaining. I got up and got my ass to work.

David: I bet it's still sore though.

Ian: Yeah... -_-

David: XD

David: Why do we always end our convos with emojis?

Ian: Idk, just hurry up.

David: That's what she said.

Ian: If by "she" you mean a lazy, Taiwanese male hooker, then yes.

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