Chapter 9: Oogies Saved Me

Start from the beginning

Sokka: Yeah, how did you guys meet? You didn't tell us.

Zuko: I guess we just...ran into each other...

Katara burst out laughing. It was really loud and obnoxious. Zuko sent a death-glare at her and she stopped.

Aang: Sweetie? What were you laughing at?

She was about to speak but Kuai sent a similar death-glare at her.

Katara: Oh...nothing.

Kuai was playing with her necklace, because she still wasn't used to it being there. Then she looked up to see Zuko staring at her. She blushed again and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. TuoYan and JiaLi came back in and sat back down at the table.

Ursa was in a questioning mood apparently...

Ursa: Kuai, dear, I can tell you are Water Tribe. How did you get to the Fire Nation?

Kuai: It's a funny story actually...

TuoYan: *blurts out* They captured her because she was the princess!

Katara: What? You told us you were captured because you were a waterbender.

Toph: Princess? Of the Northern Tribe? I thought she turned into the moon.

Sokka mumbled something sorrowfully. 

Kuai: Oh, um, I'm Yue's cousin...I was captured about a month or two after that happened.

Aang: It's crazy how our group shares all these coincidences.

Kuai: What do you mean?

Katara: Sokka and Yue kind of...I guess...dated.

Kuai: Oh my gosh, really?

Sokka: Yeah, we were there when it...happened.

Kuai: Oh, I'm so sorry Sokka.

Sokka: It's alright, continue telling Ursa your story Kuai. *slumps shoulders*

There was a few seconds of silence before she began again.

Kuai: Well...I was taken to a prison a few miles out from the palace city and stayed there for a little while. Then I was chosen to be one of Azula's servants...*Zuko cringed at that statement* and then I refused to serve Ozai, making him challenge me to an Agni Kai. That's how I got this scar....

Noren gasped and Ursa covered her mouth in shock. Kuai ran her fingers along the scar that was on her face, Zuko put his arm around her, and Kiyi tugged at her dad's sleeve.

Kiyi: What's an Agni Kai? 

Noren: A fight between two firebenders.

Kiyi: But she's a waterbender...

Katara: Kuai, we'd understand if you wanted to change the subject-

Kuai: Please.


Ursa: Have you two set a date?

Zuko: What?

Ursa: You know...for the wedding?

Kuai: Oh, uhhhhh...Zuko...come up with a date.

Zuko: Why me?

Kuai: Cause I don't have a clue.

Zuko: I don't either!

Katara: You know, you have the rest of us to help you.

Kuai: Yes, come up with a date.

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