六: We'll Be Slow Honey Lovers.

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title song:
Clocks Go Forward -
James Bay


Louis: I've got fire for a heart

Harry: what are you on?

Louis: nobody nobody

Harry: k see you tomorrow

Louis: I'm not scared of the dark

Harry: can I get some of that drug?


Harry: hey you wanna grab some food and go for another round?

Louis: like a date?

Harry: yeah, you could call it that. :)

Louis: Harry, baby, I think your idea of this is that one day we'll get married and adopt 6 children and have a dog named spot with a house in the Hamptons. but you have to remember that I'm in this for one reason...the great sex.

Louis: it's purely physical.

Harry: yea, of course. I knew that...

Louis: I was kidding, pick me up in 10 at our spot?

Harry: oh god, Lou, you scared the shit out of me, but yea ill meet you there.

Louis: I'm only in it for your asshole ;))))))))


Louis: i miss you :(

Harry: sorry babe, you know I would love to be right there with you, but this family reunion is all motherfucking week.

Louis: I want to fuck you :(

Harry: :( life goals


Harry: thanks for surprising me last night.

Harry: daddy. xx

Louis: Oh you'll regret that. just wait until next time.

Harry: I'll take that next time right now. be over in 10

Louis: k


Louis: dinner and a movie at my place?

Harry: be there in 10. x

Louis: no, I want to treat you. You've been so kind, loving, and sweet. I'll pick you up in 10 :)

Harry: see you then. *prays i get some of that d later*


I'm not v good at this sorry

Ooh look a LARRY date

- voldemort

this is my first authors note omfg. hEY YALL- Val aka the queen elmowillruleall

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