十六: Did You Think of Me?

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title song:
Morning Song -
The Lumineers


Louis arrives to the hospital in a frantic state, searching for the front desk. He spots a nurse and sprints over to her.

"Where is the front desk?" Louis asks in a panic.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Where the fuck is the front desk?!" Louis shouted, quickly becoming annoyed.

"Sir, I'm going to need to ask you to calm do-" She tried to speak but Louis cut her off.

"Fine! I'll find it myself."

Louis storms off in search for the front desk, but not without bumping into multiple people. Far ahead, Louis spots what seems to be someone who looked exactly like Harry, but in a girl version.

"Hello? Are you Harry's sister?" Louis questions with a nervous voice.

"So you must be Louis, huh?"

"Yea, that's me. So when can I see Harry?"

"You're fucking hilarious if you think you're going to ever see Harry again." She replies, disgust apparent in her voice.

"W-what?" Louis stutters.

"Do you see what you did to my little brother? He's getting his stomach pumped because of you. He has a severe concussion because of his you. He might not even remember who we are, because of you." Harry's sister sadly, but viciously, tells Louis.

"What do you mean he's not going to fucking remember us?!"

"You fucking know exactly what I mean! He's in that room dazed and confused because of you!"

Louis slowly turns toward the door, now thinking of what he actually did.
Without a second thought, Louis burst through the doors to see Harry peacefully sleeping.

Louis, knowing that someone is going to try to kick him out, locks the door before sitting down next to Harry.
He knows that Gemma would soon call security and he would be dragged out of the room, but he just wants to enjoy his last moments with Harry for a while.

Louis intertwines Harry's slender fingers with his own. He leans in to kiss Harry.\,s forehead, but midway, is sent back in shock.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Louis slowly turns his head back realizing that the love of his life had just punched him. Harry  continuously pushes the "call nurse" button as Louis' eyes watered.

"H-Harry what do you mean? You know who I am. You love me! and I love you!" Louis screams back at him, tears falling down his cheeks.

"I'm not fucking gay. What the fuck are you talking about?!"

And that's when Louis knew it was his cue to leave. Harry stating that he wasn't gay and that he didn't love him was heartbreaking.

Louis slowly unlatches the door to see three security guards standing there...waiting to lead him out.
But instead Louis leaves willingly, without a single word.


Damn, even I'm crying and I'm a soulless emo
- hagrid

Completely and only written by elmowillruleall


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