Chapter 13:

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Peyton's POV:
I woke up in the morning walked out the tent as Carl and Rick were still asleep, I saw Daryl with his back to me so I decided to jump on him. I run full sped and jump on his back I wrap my legs around his waist and arms around his neck "MY FAVOURITE DIXON" I shouted "MY FAVOURITE GRIMES" he shouted back and turned me around and put over his shoulders and started running around the farm. I squealed "Daryl what are you doing" I giggled I heard people laugh and I saw Maggie and Glenn and the rest laugh "Laugh it up Glenn Rhee but mark my words I will get you back" I said Daryl just slapped my ass "Now do I have to be jealous" I heard Rick say laughing "Yes you do" he said laughing. I looked towards Shane and I didn't like the way he was looking at me "Daryl go towards Rick" I whispered when we were close "I don't like the way Shane is looking at me" I whispered and Rick got all protective and as soon as Daryl put me down I was in his arms. "Okay so what are we going to do about the Randell situation" Andrea asked as we all sat eating breakfast "Daryl your up" I said he nodded and walked towards the barn, everyone looks confused "He's gonna get us some answers and if that don't work I'll send in someone way worse" I said and they nodded "Who's worse then Daryl" Maggie asked. Glenn laughed "It's Peyton" he said "I'm not that bad" I said everyone except Rick, Maggie, Daddy and Beth laughed "Peyton you beat up Merle because he called you sugar tits" T-Dog laughed "You beat up Ed when he looked at you" Andrea laughed "You slapped Jim because you thought he was gonna hurt Carl" Carol giggled "In my defence he raised his hand" I said "He was gonna give me a high five mum" Carl full on laughed "And then you beat up Ed again as he went to hit Carol" Shane said smiling "Oh yeah and she beat you to a pulp didn't she Shane" Glenn sneered "Why did ya beat up Shane" Rick asked. I looked at Glenn who mouthed 'sorry' "I'll tell ya later" I said as I saw Daryl walk out "Peyton your up" he said smirking "Got it" I said as he threw me a knife, I threw it back he looked confused "I anit using a knife" I said "Well you like torture" he said I smirked "I know" I said and pulled my Katana of my back. I walked in and Randell looked up at me and smiled "I suggest you start talking" I said showing him my katana that all it took for him to start blabbering all sorts. 5 minutes later I walked out the barn and everyone looked up "I knew she wouldn't be able to do it guys" Shane said. I stood by Rick and glared at Shane "His group has 30 men and they are armed well and would kill without thought and well the women would wish they were dead, he was forced to watch when their group came across a family and made the father watch while they raped the kids then killed them and then shot the dad" I said as I covered Carls ears. "He is a threat we get rid of him and I want everyone to stay away from him" Rick said we all nodded "We will drop him 18 miles out in an hour me and Shane will go" Rick said and everyone walked away "Are you sure about this" I said as we sat down he nodded and Carl was with Carol doing some school work. When Rick and Shane had left I saw Maggie she smiled at me and walked towards me with Daddy "Peyton were sorry we never told you about their passing we were scared how you would react as you didn't do so well your mum died" Daddy said "I understand but I was 5 at that time you would be scarred to if you saw your mother die I'm 29 now I can handle these things" I said I hugged them both and they knew I forgave them "How's Beth" I said they shock their head "I got it" I said and walked away. I walked into Beth's room "Hello Beth" I said and sat on the bed "I know how your felling Beth I saw my mum die at 5 years old, but think about this they won't be in pain now and they might not be here but they are in your hearts and right by your side, just like I am Beth, I love you more then anything your my baby sister I would protect you with everything I have and I don't like seeing you like this, neither will Mumma or Shawn they would want you to survive this by being the strong girl I know you are" I said and she cried "I'm sorry Peyton I'll be better" he said hugging me "I know you will" I said. After an hour we were laughing an she was back to normal, we walked down the stairs and outside, Beth had wrapped her arms around my waist. We saw Maggie and Daddy "Hey guys why you not joining the family hug" I asked as Carl wrapped his arms around me. I was pacing around waiting for Rick to come home they should have been home by now Carl had come back from his walk earlier seeming a little off. When I saw headlights I immediately walked closer, Rick got out the car and ran to me lifting me up, I signed in relief and buried my head in his neck "I was so worried" I said he held tighter "I'm sorry baby but I'm back an I will never leave you again" he said. I looked up at him and smiled and then pulled him into a passionate kiss, we was interrupted by a groan. I looked behind us to see Shane lift Randell out the car "Rick what is he doing here" I said "I'm sorry Peyton but he knew Maggie from school and knew the farm" he said and pulled me protectively into his arms "CARL" I shouted and saw him run out the house and into my arms "What's wrong mum" he said "Stay with me" I said. I whispered in Ricks ear saying "Call a meeting and talk about his fate I'm with you with what ever you decide" and I left with Carl to our tent.

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