Chapter 10:

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Peyton's POV:
Carl was having another seizure "You gotta make a decision" Daddy said I looked towards Rick "Do it" he said. Daddy was preparing the room for surgery and I was crying in Ricks arms when we saw headlights. We ran out if the door and I ran into Shane's arms "Oh thank god you made it" I said, I may not like him in that way but he did keep me and Carl safe at the beginning of the apocalypse. "Where's Otis" me and Daddy asked "I'm sorry" he said "Oh no" I said tears welled up in my eyes again "Okay no one tell Patricia I need her" he said and went to help my son. I was siting on the stairs outside when I saw Glenn and T-Dog approach "Do we knock" Glenn said "Well i should hope you do" I said Glenn sat next to me "Peyton how's Carl" he said hugging me "He's in surgery now" I said crying "He will be okay Peyton he is yours and ricks son I mean you survived a hoard of Walkers and Rick survived a gun wound" he said I giggled "Thank you" I said. Patricia came out and saw me "Peyton hunny why don't you come in it's cold outside" she said "Oh no I'm fine Patricia but can you stitch up my friends arm he has hurt himself" I asked she wrapped a blanket round my shoulders "Of course" and they went in. A couple minutes later Rick came out "Hey baby" he said siting next to me "Hello" I said I sat closer and gave him some of my blanket and he wrapped his arms around me. "Hey Rick let's go to my room" I said he nodded and we walked to my room it hadn't changed a bit "This Is my room" I said smiling we laid on the bed and fell asleep. I woke up in the morning and saw Rick still asleep so I walked down stairs to Carls room and walked in. Carl was siting on the bed awake and as soon a he saw me his eyes lit up "Hey mum" he said I walked and laid on the bed next to him "Hey Sweetie how you feeling" I said stroking his hair "Feeling a little sore" he said smiling "That's understandable" I said "Mum the man named Hershel told me he was your Dad" he said "Yes that is correct and Maggie and Beth are my sisters" I said "Where's your mum" he asked "She died giving birth to Maggie" I said "I'm sorry mum" he said "It's okay baby" I said. After a while Rick walked in "Hey dad" Carl smiled and Rick sat on the chair next to the bed "Hey Carl" he said smiling at him "How you feeling" he asked Carl nodded "A little sore" he said then giggled "Hey Dad we've both been shot now" he said smiling I laughed "I would like to hear that you have the same eyes" I said smiling at Rick "Well now that you got shot you get to wear the hat" he said. Carl looked excited "Really" he exclaimed "Oh yeah" Rick said and put the hat on Carl "We will leave you to rest a little more darling" I said and kissed his forehead. I walked up to Glenn "Hey bestie you going on a run" I asked he nodded "Can you get theses and this please but keep the last one to your self" I asked he nodded "Be careful with my sister" I said smiling he laughed "Of course" and he left. I was washing clothes with Carol while the men talk about finding Sophia "How are you today Carol" I asked she smiled a little "A little better thank you what about you" she asked "I'm not really sure" I said we talked for a while until I saw Glenn come back and I walked towards him. "Your pregnant" he said shocked "Well I don't know yet so please may I have the test" I said he gave it to me and I walked to the toilet in the RV to take it. I looked at the results and I knew I was pregnant how was I gonna do this, I knew I wanted to keep it because I would never have an abortion I don't believe in that and I knew it's not a good world to bring a baby up in but I want to do it and I will do it even if Rick doesn't. I have no idea how I am going to tell him I'm walking towards the house to see Carl when Glenn runs up "We have a swimmer" he said "A what now" I said shocked he smiled and pulled me towards the Well where Shane, Dale, T-Dog, Maggie were standing "What's a swimmer" Is the first thing I say when I approach them "Take a look" T says. I walk towards the well and see a fat Walker "Oh god that's disgusting" I say and walk next to a laughing Glenn so me being me a whacked him in the back of the head "Ouch" he complained and rubbed it we looked at each other and burst out laughing. Shane decided that Glenn would go down there and tie the rope around the Walkers head so that it my doesn't contaminate the water and we would pull it up. Let's just say I didn't agree with this idea but here we are helping Glenn down the well when the thing keeping the rope up breaks "GLENN" I shout and grab the rope followed by the others "Get me up" he said panicking. We pulled him up and I immediately had him in a hug "Are you okay were you bit or anything" I said tearing up he nearly died "Hey calm down" he said hugging me "Calm down Glenn you nearly died" I said. Once I had calmed down and with the help of Maggies horse we pulled the Walker up "It's stuck" I said and we pulled harder until the Walker split in half "Do you know what let's just not use this well" I said and Dale killed the walker. I saw Rick he approached me smiling "Hey" he said "Hey Rick" I said hugging him "Carl can start to walk tomorrow" he said "Oh thank god" I said "WALKER" Andrea shouted we ran towards her and saw one "I'll get it from here" she said "No we will go to it" he said but I was already running "PEYTON" Rick shouted and started to run to. I got a closer look "Daryl" I said and helped him Rick, Shane and Glenn approached  to and saw Daryl but Rick had his gun to his head "That is the second time you've pointed that at my head" he said and I laughed until I heard a gun shot and Daryl fell to the ground. I screamed and Glenn hugged me "It's okay Peyton it just grazed his head" he said we approached the house "DADDY" I said and he ran out and saw Daryl "Bring him in" he said I looked up to Andrea "You better hope that he is alive" I said and ran towards the house.

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