Chapter 12

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Justin's P. O. V.

I'm driving right now. I'm heading over to Aaliyah's house. I know I did her wrong but she doesn't know.

And yes I'm going to tell her. I knocked her door and saw a guy.

"Hi you're Justin Bieber right?"he asked.

"Yeah, yeah is Aaliyah here? "I asked.

" Oh my gosh she would be so happy you're here, "he said. I'm surprise he didn't ask me why I'm here.

" So her dad paid you to come here or.... "Now I understand.

" Yeah he did can you call her for me? "I asked." Oh and may I ask why you're here?"

"Well I may be her new boyfriend, "he said. I can't believe this.

" Aaliyah!!!! "I screamed. I saw her running down the stairs.

" Can you I talk to Aaliyah in private? "I asked and the guy walked away.

I looked over my shoulder and watched that boy move off.

" Who the fuck is he? "I asked.

" WHO IS he! "she screamed. I've never seen her this angry.

She took her phone out of her pocket and showed me a pic of the article.

" Who's she, Justin? "she asked. I felt bad. I didn't know she already saw that.

" I'm sorry Aaliyah it was -" she cut me off.

"Did you fuck her? "didn't know how to answer the question. I just don't want to loose Aaliyah so I lied.

" No I didn't, "I said. She sucked her teeth.

" Hurt me with the truth but don't confront me with a lie, "she said and a tear slipped out of her eye.

Aaliyah's P. O. V.

Justin tried to hug me but I'm not into that.

" Get away from me!! "I screamed. I pushed him back and he begged to stay, but when he reached to the door I slammed it in his face.

I turned around and saw Trey standing there.

" I'm sorry you had to see that, "I said.

" It's alright why did you push him out. "Oh so he didn't hear me arguing with Justin.

" I really like one direction now, "I said making up an excuse.

" Oh okay I just wanted to say bye before I left, "he said.

" Bye, "I said waving him.

He came closer to me" no I wanted to do it like that, "he said and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

What the Hell?

Later that night

I was in my bedroom I heard the door open. It had to be dad he worked late today.

I ran out of my room and into the dinning table . Mom said we couldn't eat until he came home.

He took off his tie and came to the table. I know he was about to be very anger. That's what he does when he's upset.

"Hi Aaliyah baby you know where Justin is? "he asked. It's a Justin situation.

" Dad I know what he did we broke up, "I explained. I heard gasps from all corners of the room.

" That's good because your won't be sad when I kill him, "he said.

I laughed" can I help you? "I asked.

" Me too, "my brother added.

Next Day

I'm broken without Aaliyah. I know it's just a day but I miss the feeling of knowing that she's there.

That I can call her my baby and she would respond.

I can't believe all this shit happened just because a fucking slut.

I read the article again not believing my stupidity. I'm about to have an album release in about 26 days and can't even think about because my mind is on Aaliyah.

I'm checking my instagram feed and I'm still following Aaliyah and she just post a pic or herself. I love her wake up pics.

I'm such an idiot.

Aaliyah's P. O. V.

I'm at school with my new crew. Rachel, Bahja and Brittany and are now in my crew.

I saw Stacy but the bitch didn't say shit.

We were sitting in the front waiting on Ms. Joseph to come. I saw Chantell. I told her to come and sit next to me.

"No she can't sit her, "Rachel said and I looked at her. What the hell.

" She's my friends she's sitting with us, "I said. They all rolled their eyes.

" She's not our squad material, "they said. I wonder who is squad material?

" She's staying, "I commanded." Sit Chantell, "I said. She was about to sit down until I saw Trey push her.

" What's wrong with you? "Trey asked.

" I wanted to sit here so I talk to you about the project, "he said. He could of just say so.

" Is it okay with you Chantell? "I asked she shook her head.

" Yeah it's okay*" she said dust herself off and took her stuff off of the floor.

Chantell's P. O. V. (Short)

I'm not really happy, but they are in the same group so probably it's a project.

Aaliyah's P. O. V.

"So you wanted to talk about the project? "I asked.

" I don't want to talk about my family tree. Maybe I can talk about adding some one to my family tree, "he said.

" Oh cool you have a niece? "I asked.

" No I kinda wanted you to be um my you know -" I'm freaking out in my mind he's mumbling to talk to me .

"I want to know if you could be my girlfriend, "he said then I saw the glee squad.

Bah boo boo Can you please my girl Aaliyah

It would make my life a whole lot better bah boo boo.

Then I saw they had a poster that said will you be my girlfriend from Trey.

Everyone was cheering.

" I will be your girlfriend, "I hugged him and said then one of the guys blew a horn and confede come out.

" Hi what is this? "Ms. Joseph asked and everyone laughed.

Chantell's P. O. V.

He so isn't her type.

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