Chapter 9

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"Well you can't just make them do this. I'll burst their ass! he said getting all worked up.

" Justin all of them are girls, "I said. Not all of them are girls Trey and his crew aren't girls but. I can't tell him about them.

" Well maybe you can tell your mom or I'll pay a girl to - "I interrupted him. He's making a big deal out of nothing. I'm almost done with high school so it's not even important.

" It's okay Justin I'll deal with it, "I said.

" If you say so, "Justin said he then raised my head up." What would they even bully you about? "he asked with always sexy smile.

" Well they take about my braces and my weight, "I explained.

He did the eyebrow frown thing." Nothing is wrong with your weight you look like an hour glass0(a/n body like Beyonce). And I think your braces look hot."

I giggled at the thought. "I would rather have the clear ones. You know the one you can't see? "I asked.

"Oh would you prefer if I bought them for you?" he asked. I didn't ever think I was gonna get them but if he wants to buy them I won't stop him.

"Yeah thanks," I said giving him a hug.

"So you want me to drive you home or you got this?" he asked. I think I'm good but not that good I said. I allowed him to drive me home.

I can't believe I'm making him teach me how to drive. He drives like a mad man.

I gave him a goodbye kiss shut the car door and went into my house.

Next Day

"I really want you to check out the club dude it's a lot of fun," Khalil said.

"Yeah man the girls look fine," Twist one of my other friends who was sitting at the pool with us said.

"I'll go with you guys next week, I said. I totally lied I'm not going with them ever.

In school

Aaliyah's P. O. V.

Of course I didn't tell anyone about the bullying. I would just try to stay out there way. Justin's getting me the clear braces soon.

He said he wouldn't tell me when because he wants it to be a surprise. I just hope it's really soon.

I saw Chantell and ran up tried to run up to her. Remember I said tried. Stacy and he click came up to me and pinned me to my locker.

"What's your problem, "Stacy asked. My problem? She's the one that pinned me to the wall.

" I don't have a problem, "I said my heart beating rapidly.

" So don't walk in my hallway bitch and you better don't take pictures with Bieber anymore because he's bae, "she said.

" I won't, "I said and she let me go and I slowly slide down the locker.

" Are you alright? "Chantell asked. Some days I wish we weren't the weak one's.

" I'm alright, "I said brushing myself off and getting up.

" I think we need to stand up against them, "she said. She must be crazy. The only things on my body that's big is my boobs and ny ass. My arms are like chicken's I can't fight nobody.

A/N I don't feel like putting her in class that much and explain a lot so I'm gonna only say a few things.

The bell rang and I went to class. I sat in the front because I didn't want to be in Stacy and her gangs way.

Ms. Parks was talking and I was taking done my notes.

"Now you guys have to go in partners for this project. "I smiled looking at Chantell. You know when the teacher says it's time to pick and you and your girl's all happy?

" You guys can choose the partner, "she said. Yes I mentally thought." But it has to be a plus student with a slower student, "she said.

" So I'm with you Trey, "I heard a loud Stacy say. I don't like Trey buy home boy is fine. I mean not as sexy as Justin but Justin isn't here so it wouldn't hurt if I gaze.

" No Ms. Martin, Mr. Davis will have to be in a group with a faster student, "Mrs. Parks said kindly.

" She should know she's stupid, "Chantell said. I laughed.

" So you guys now know what category you fall in so choose partners." No one got up because the smarter one's are the one that are referred to as nerds and the slower one's are the popular people and they don't want to hang with us.

"If you guys don't want to choose I'll have to do this, "Mrs. Parks said.

She called names and I had my face in my hands as I was waiting for my name to be called.
" Ms. Huston with Mr. Davis, "she called.

I felt all eyes on me. The girls were watching me because I got the boy the probably wanted to be with. I'm so dam upset.

At Home

" I want to go by Aaliyah again before I leave, "Jaxon said. I wanted to go by her too. I miss my baby.

" Okay buddy take a bath and we'll go, "I said. He ran to the shower. And after his shower. I took one too.

Put on my clothes and went to Aaliyah's house.

At Aaliyah's House

I knocked on the door and saw a very worried Aaliyah.

" Can we come in? "I asked. She shook her head and said yes.

" What's wrong Aaliyah? "I asked sitting on the couch.

" Nothing is wrong, "she said and she flashed me a fake smile.

" Swome twing is wrong Liyah, "Jaxon said. If he could guess that then something is wrong.

" Hi Jaxon! "Drew screamed. I saw Jaxon run up to him they were probably gonna play some board game or something.

" So now that we are alone are you gonna tell me? "I asked. She shift in her seat.

" Justin it's not a big deal, "she said. My baby's upset how is it not a big deal?

" Is it the bullying? "I asked. She started tapping her feet.

" Yeah kinda, "she said.

" It's to bad all of your bullies are girls as I would fuck them up, "I then got a thought.

" Hi I can let you get trained. You know be able to beat them up, "I said.

She then smiled" I'll like that, "she said." And a make over, "she said.

I don't find anything wrong with her. But if it makes her happy then I'll do it.

" Alright I'll get you a stylist, "I said.

Next Chapter

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