Chapter 6

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"Dad I'm not leaving you anytime soon," I said to my dad.

I realised that a smile grew on his face. He then placed his fork down on his plate.

He took the napkin and whipped his lips.

"Ok if you're happy with Justin and you don't want to move out I'll allow you two to be together, "he said.

I jumped out of my cheered.

I ran over to my dad's seat and kiss his cheek.

" Thank you daddy, "I said.

I then started to walk back to my bedroom.

" Where are you going? "my mother asked.

I had to speak to Justin to tell him the good news.

" I'm gonna speak to someone. Itwon't be long, "I assured.

" Ok baby, "I heard my mom said and I hurried to my bedroom.

Popping on the bed and searching under my pillow looking for my phone.

I took it out and called Justin number. I hurried the ringing sound on the other end and began to become very impatient.

" Hi Aaliyah, is that you? "I heard Justin voice say. He sounded very excited to hear me.

" Hi Bieber, I've got great news, "I said playing with my hair.

" What's the new? "he asked sounding anxious. I heard a little voice in the background, saying Jwustin who you twalking to.

I chuckled sound like a little sibling. Justin told me about his siblings but I have never met any of them.

" Well the first thing is that I found out you were telling the truth, "I said. I then heard Justin scream a," YES! "over the phone.

" I'm sorry I didn't believe you. Oh also I talk to my dad about you and guess what? "

" Hmmm, "he hummed into the phone. I could guess he was in his thinking position.

Justin's P. O. V.

" He said I don't like that lil white boy, "I said in a mocking voice. What else would her father say?

" Well he didn't, "she said. I raised my eyebrows and cleaned my ears making sure I heard right.

" Did you say he didn't, "I asked.

" Yeah he didn't, he said 'if I want to be with you I can.' Well actually it's a longer story but that's the main point about it" I said.

"Oh so did he allow to stay by him? "I asked.

" Yeah so I guess we wouldn't be mission mates anymore, "she said with a chuckle.

I actually was looking forward to being in a house with her but, as long as we are in a relationship I'm happy.

I then felt Jaxson tugging on my shirt sleave. He must hand wanted something again.

" I got to go babe, "I said.

Then I heard a say" bye. "

Aaliyah's P. O. V.

I opened the door only to bump into strong arms.

" Dad" I whined I can't believe he was spying on me.

Dad's P. O. V.

Hi I'm Dad my real name is David. I guess y'all don't like me. Yeah I saw the comments but this is my baby girl and I want to take care of her.

I stood there looking at her disappointed face but I know I'm only doing the best for her.

"I was just looking out for you baby girl, "I said. I heard her pout.

" Maybe you should bring Justin over for dinner so I can meet him properly, "I said.

Aaliyah's P. O. V.

I bit the inside of my cheek feeling completely nervous. Bring Justin, here?

The last time he was here it didn't ho that well but I'll tell him.

" Ok daddy I'll tell him, "I said heading to my bedroom.

I don't think Justin is gonna like this news.

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