She smiled, "That's good because I was totally ready to. How are you feeling now?"

"I'm a little banged up; I have a pretty big gash in my leg. It is healing pretty quickly but it still hurts if I put all my weight on one leg. Other than that I'm fine."

She eyed the bite mark on my shoulder and pointed to it, "What about that? What did they do to you?"

I could instantly feel my cheeks flush and I covered the mark with my hand, "Oh that? That one is... This happened after I came back."

Izzy eyes darted back and forth between me and Chase, "No! You didn't!"

Chase laughed uneasily, "Well it sounds like you girls have a little bit of catching up to do. If you need me I will be in the kitchen making breakfast."

I watched him as he exited the room and then I turned my attention back to Izzy who had her hands on her hips. She tapped her foot impatiently, "I'm waiting."

"Well," I started, "when I was in the morgue I lost a lot of blood... like I passed out. When Chase and Dimitri rescued me they said I would need to feed to get my strength back so I did. Things got a little heated between me and Chase and... we kissed."

Her squeal of excitement interrupted me, "Liz! That is so exciting. Go on."

"I didn't want to hurt Chase and I was trying not to overdo things considering that was the second time I ever fed so I didn't take much. I had a really scary nightmare that woke me up in the middle of the night. I ended up feeding again and I wanted to return the favor to Chase but he kept refusing to let me have the knife so... I bit myself." Izzy wiggled her perfectly plucked eyebrows at me. "He was hesitant at first but I finally convinced him and that is where this came from," I gestured toward my neck.

Izzy clapped her hands together excitedly, "Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun."

Colored flushed my face, "Yeah, we did."

Izzy stared at me for a moment before a look of understanding crossed her face, "There's more?"


"Okay explain."

I felt like my cheeks had become as red as my hair, "Well there's not much to explain, things got a little heated and while Chase was feeding... clothes started coming off."

"I'm so proud of you!"

I laughed, "Why?"

She cocked her head at me, "Because Chase is so yummy, that's why. You bagged yourself a catch; I mean he's in the kitchen cooking right now. Duh." She yawned, "I was a little surprised when my phone rang this early in the morning but I was happy to see Chase's name on my caller ID. I was so worried about you. As soon as Chloe told me everything, who is just about as yummy as Chase by the way, I freaked out. I couldn't believe what happened. Thinking about you being kidnapped and hearing about Dimitri's crazy ass mother. I told you to stay away from him. He did earn a little bit of respect back from me when he rescued you though." She embraced me in another constricting hug, "I am so glad you are okay."

I nodded absentmindedly, trying to shake the memories away, "Me to. I never want to go back to that horrible place ever again."

Her face, filled with worry, reverted back to its normal look of peppy cheeriness, "Let's go see what Chase is cooking."

I nodded as she dragged me into the kitchen and was astounded at the spread of food Chase had already put out. I snagged a piece of freshly sliced fruit and beamed as the flavor erupted in my mouth, "Holy crap! That is the best tasting strawberry I have ever had!"

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