Thirty Eight: A year from now

Start from the beginning

I rang the doorbell and Taylor opened it with smiley eyes and Summer on her hips

"Alaska!" She smiles and hugs me

"Omg, Summer you're so pretty!" I say pinching her cheeks. The cute toddler raises her arms up so I can carry her. I hold her and stroke her beautiful curly golden hair.

She has Ashton's dimples and Taylor's eyes. Her perky nose is one hundred percent Ashton.

"This is Aunty Alaska" Taylor says to her child

"Kaka!" Summer say sloppily

Tay and I smile.

"I was just waiting for you to go to the concert. The boys left hours ago" she says while gathering a pink baby bag and ears protectors. "But if you want to take a shower or grab something to eat I can wait"

"No, I'm good. Thanks Tay" I smile, Summer is playing with my earrings.

"Then lets go, the concert has already started" she smiles.

"Did you tell everyone I was coming?" I asked when we got into her SUV, she's placing Summer on her chair and plugging the seatbelt on her.

"Um, no" she giggles and moves to the driver's seat. She looks like those soccer moms.

Of course she's still gorgeous and let me say: it doesn't even look like she had a child cause her tummy is flatter than ever.

"I wasn't sure if you'd show up" she bites her lips while driving "I mean, you said you'd come here for Christmas last year but you didn't so I wasn't sure you'd come today"

"Yeah, I get it" I look down. She asks me how things are going and I lie saying I'm very happy.

We get to the crowded venue and Taylor parks at the back next to the backstage entrance. Two body guards scolded us into the venue. Quickly Tay put the earplugs on Summer because it's so loud, she's right they're halfway through the concert. Summer smiles when she sees her daddy from the edge of the stage, I was holding her while Taylor was looking for the "I'M INTO DRUMMERS" onesie to dress Summer.

Ashton quickly glanced at us, he smiled at me and blew a kiss to his baby daughter. She smiled and clapped her tiny hands. They had just finished playing Disconnected and Calum was talking something about a vegemite sign. Luke walked to talk to Ashton and Ash pointed at me, my whole body froze when Luke looked into my eyes. If I wasn't holding Summer I'd probably drop onto the floor.

Taylor joined me with the onesie and I hand her Summer. They left to the dressing room and my eyes were glued to Luke's. After a quick second he leaned to whisper something to Ashton, first Ash frowned his brows then Luke said something and Ash nodded. Then Luke turned to Mike and Calum and did the same

"A'right London! How we feeling tonight?!" Luke shouted with a big smile and the crowd shouted back with exciting high screams. "Right now we're playing a song we never performed live" the crowd went nuts, girls screaming like the world was about to end "I wrote this song a while back but never find it in me to sing it because it means the world, but tonight is a special night" he glanced at me.

My feet were like roots on the ground, I couldn't move. All I could do was watch Luke's stare.

"I hope you like it" he says still looking at me "This is Lost Boy"

They started playing. He was so focused on strumming his guitar. The butterflies in my stomach are running wild.

I can't remember the last time I saw your face

I feel so lonely when I'm in a crowded space

You left me without direction

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