Chapter 8: Since When Do You Wear My Mask?

Start from the beginning

Kuai: Nice to meet you *fire-nation-style bows*

JiaLi: To you as well *returns bow*

TuoYan: You look Water Tribe, but use Fire Nation customs. Why?

Kuai: This is going to be

JiaLi: Sorry to interrupt Kuai, but it's more than obvious that you're the missing princess.

TuoYan: Yeah, I was just going along with it because you were.

Kuai: Don't treat me like it though. My boyfriend is royal, but I treat him like I would if he were any class.

JiaLi: Oooooooo... Who's this boyfriend?

TuoYan: Is he cute?

Kuai: Yes, he's very cute. I even call him 'Cutie'.

TuoYan: Tell us who!

Kuai: Okay, calm down. He's...The Firelord.

JiaLi: You're dating FireLord Zuko?

TuoYan: Don't you hold grudges against the fire nation...for you know...capturing you?

Kuai: Only against Ozai and Admiral Chan.

There was a moment of awkward silence.

TuoYan: If you couldn't tell, this hallway houses waterbenders.

JiaLi: They keep everyone sectioned off with their own kind.

Kuai: Then maybe I have some competition.

TuoYan: What do you mean?

Kuai: I'm a high-level waterbending master.

JiaLi: Better than Master Pakku?

TuoYan: Nonsense! Only that girl Katara is better than Master Pakku.

Kuai: Actually, I know Katara...and I'm more skilled than her, too.


TuoYan: That's impossible. I heard that Katara discovered a new form of bending.

Kuai: Actually, she learned it from an old lady named Hama. I learned the same thing from other prisoners who learned from her.

JiaLi: What's it called?

Kuai: *widens eyes* Um, how about we change the subject? Like, what I'm bad at, let's talk about that.

TuoYan: Like what?

Kuai: Well, I'm bad at talking about my feelings. The other day I told Zuko I loved him but ran away before I could see his reaction.

JiaLi: Well now you have to worry about how he might feel! That's so stupid!

Kuai: I know, I know.

TuoYan: Do you think he loves you too?

Kuai: I'm not sure...Gosh I'm so stupid!

JiaLi: Aren't guys supposed to say 'I love you' first?

Kuai: That my friends, is what people call 'sexist'.

TuoYan: Yeah, but maybe he wanted to say it first. Did you ever think about that?

Kuai: Now you guys are making me feel horrible about myself.

JiaLi: Sorry.

Kuai: Hey, how about you show me some waterbending?

TuoYan: How? There's none in here.

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