Chapter 10: Dr. Mac

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"Goddamn it Mary! Hold still!" Mac yelled. Mac's love for giving me scars had taken a turn. The bite on my neck got infected and hurts like a bitch. "Just pour it on!" I yelled shoving a rag in my mouth to muffle the screams.

Mac poured on the peroxide. I could heard the bubbling sound in my ears and it didn't sound to good. It must really be infected. Tears were forming in my eyes because it really stung, bad!

I squeezed Mac's hand as I let the peroxide work its magic on my neck. I never thought that Mac rubbing meth then biting my neck would do this to me, but then again, I didn't know he rubbed before he bit me.

"I'm going to kill you when we're finished." I cried digging my nails into the top of his hand to the point where I tore the skin and blood was starting to show. "Ouch! Little shit! I told ya' already! 'M fuckin' sorry!" Mac wiped the wound and placed some gauze on it, then a large bandaid.

My neck was stiff from holding my head to the side that long. "You owe me a lot more than an apology." I stood up and headed outside the caves. It was probably nine in the morning just from how high the sun way. "Better not be actin' bitchy today either. We got shit to do." I brushed off his comment hopping in the truck I made his runs.

Today we had to go see a regular. They called him Jumpy Jimmy because when he didn't get his fix he started jumping and twitching. "When we go in watch out for Rhonda. She's a little crazy." Stepping out of the truck we walked up to the old white trailer. Mac knocked on the door, waiting a few seconds.

A skinny man with tattoos opened the door. "Thank god you're here-" his shoulder twitched. "Was about to go crazy." Jimmy led us inside. A larger woman with cheap lipstick and fake perm was sitting at the kitchen table, a needle in her arm.

Mac sat down and pulled me on his lap. "Here you go!" Jimmy slid over an envelope full of money and Mac passed over five of the little baggies. "Thank you man! You're my savior!" Jimmy started cooking the meth on a spoon. "I'm gonna go,"
Mac said. Jimmy nodded and waved.

When we got out to the truck Mac started jumping his leg. "What's wrong?" "I use to shoot it too. Stopped a while back though. Every time I go in there I get the urge to do it 'gain." I've only ever known of Mac rubbing, I guess he was in the meth more than I thought. "Will you be okay?" I wanted to make sure he was alright before we started driving. I didn't want him getting mad and wreck us.

"Peachy," he said taking a deep breath as we made our way to the next buyer. By the end of the day Mac and I were over five hundred dollars richer. "We gotta stop at the Luna Mesa."

Mac parked the truck and I followed behind him inside. I haven't talked to Walter yet and he was a little weird if you ask me. "Hello son," Walter said. Mac took his seat at the bar pulling out a bottle of whisky and pouring two shots. I took my shot not wanting to be rude and scrunched my face in disgust. "Ew," it burnt my throat and made my stomach burn. "I'm done with that," I said pushing the shot glass away.

"Mary?" I turned around and seen the only other person in the bar, Diana. "Oh my god! You're alive." She wrapped her arms around me and I could see Mac growling in disgust. Mac wasn't going to let the cops get me, so he was defiantly going to do something to Diana.

Since no one else was in the bar Mac got up and knocked her out by hitting her head off the counter. "What are you gonna do to her?" He shrugged. "Give her somethin' and make 'er sleep, she'll think it was a dream." I wasn't sure how that was gonna work, but Mac started rubbing meth on her teeth with a glove.

He picked her up and placed her in the original seat she had resting her head on the table. "When she wakes up, the story is she passed out." Mac said in a threatening time to Walter. "Got it. And son, be careful."

Mac all but dragged me out of the Luna Mesa. "Gotta get back to the caves before people start showin' up, or worse, the fuckin' cops." I didn't want to sleep in caves again tonight, but Mac did, so I had no other choice.

Back at the caves it was a party again. I shimmied into our 'bed' and rolled over not facing the drama behind me. Mac was drinking too, and rubbing more meth from his special little silver tin. I didn't think I would end up with a drug dealer or a person who does drugs. Not even being kidnapped crossed my mind.

"Pizza!" Frank yelled coming back the cave. I was to tired to get up for food right now. "Mary?" Mac called. "Hmm?" "Babe?" I sat up brushing the hair from my face. "Want pizza?" I nodded and Mac grabbed me two slices. After I ate I rolled over on my side not feeling too well. At this point I wanted to go home. My old home.


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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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