Chapter 44:The New And Improved Lexie

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Freddy made the list and hung it up.

He immediately signed him and Mari's name beside Kristoff.

Beth and Bonnie got Elsa,Chica and Foxy took Anna,Bella took Olaf.

"Mom,Dad?" Kurt asked Chica and Foxy.

"Yeah?" Foxy asked.

"C-Can I move in with Bella?" He asked.

"I though you were ga-"

"I am,We are just really close friends and I wanna move in with her. I already asked her parents and there okay with it."

"Ok you can move in with her as long as your respectful of Beth,Bonnie,and Bella."

Kurt got his stuff together and went into Bonnie and Beth's room.

He knocked on Bella's door.

"Hey,Roommate!" he said.

They hugged and Kurt came inside.

"B-E-L-L-A why is he here?" Olaf asked.

"Olaf you don't have to spell my name every time you say it and this is Kurt he's gonna stay here."

"How do you spell that B-E-L-L-A?"

Bella and Kurt laughed.

Vincent's Pov:
My plan is working perfectly. Before they know it its all gonna be over.

3rd Person:
**Timeskip,Next day**

Kurt and Bella were getting ready for school Kurt was getting dressed in the bathroom while Bella was doing her makeup in her room.

Once were ready they walked to the bus stop and got on the bus.

They said down on the bus.

"What classes do you have today?" Bella asked.

"Science,Math,Spanish,Lunch Hour,Glee Club Rehearsal,Gym,History." Kurt replied.

They arrived at school and Kurt and Bella walked to their classes.

"Lady!" A football player said and pushed Kurt into a locker.

Kurt got up and kept walking to class.

On the way to Math the guy came up to him again.

"Where's Bella your boyfriend Kurt?"


"Ben,I need to talk to you...Its important." Lexie said to Ben.

She walked over to their bed and sat down on it.

"What is it Lex?"

"Ben,I got a letter in the mail today and it said to Ben so I didn't wanna open it but I did and I read something,Interesting. I'm gonna read it out loud to you now and have to give me a good reason why I shouldn't be upset."

Lexie started reading.

"Dear Ben,You're the cutest think in the world I haven't seen you in forever! I love the taste of your lips and I want more! When can we got out again? And last time you touched me was 1 week ago! That bitch Lexie is so stupid thinking oh he loves me. Haha,I love you babe! See you soon. -Your wife!" Lexie read as a tear ran down her face.


Lexie ran out of the room crying.

Ben ran after her and went into the bathroom to find Lexie crying on the toilet.

"Lexie,I'm not cheating on you!"


"Lexie,I am not cheating,I love you."


"Ben,I thought I could trust you I thought we were soulmates. I don't know how my brain got so messed up."

Lexie walked away and she walked outside and ran away from sight.

Lexie's Pov:

I'm never going back there,Not with him there.

I walked past the pizzeria and down a few streets.

I kept walking until I figured out what to do with my life.

3rd Person Pov:
**2 Month Timeskip**
"It's been 2 months and we haven't found Lexie." Chica said to Foxy.

"It'll be ok,Calm down." Foxy replied.

Everyone was sitting on the couch and chairs in the pizzeria when someone walked in the door.

It was Lexie but she looked different.

She had pink hair,A nose ring,She was a skank.

She was smoking and she dropped it on the ground when she walked in.

"L-Lexie?" Chica asked.

"My name isn't Lexie and I'm only here to get my stuff to burn."

She walked in her old room grabbed her old stuff and left.

Ben ran out of the doors and went to Lexie on the sidewalk.

"Lexie what the hell happened?" Ben asked Lexie.

"I changed my name to Punk and this is who I am." Punk/Lexie said.

"No Lexie,this isn't you. You are the sweet girl who is always good."

"Thats the old me and whatever you do or say,I'm never going back."

So basically Lexie's a skank now.

QOTD:Skank Lexie or Good Lexie?


All I Need Is You (Foxy x Chica)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang