Chapter 22:Sixteen

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Chica's Pov:
I'm so excited! Finally the day! Lexie's 16th Birthday! BonBon's birthday is tomorrow.

When Mike reset her after the Vincent incident she forgot what the pizzeria looked like.

She has no idea who BonBon is and she does know Beth,Bonnie,Mari,Freddy,And Mike.
Lexie's Pov:
My alarm clock went off at 9:00am "Shut Up!" I yelled slamming the alarm.

Wait...Today's the day! My sixteenth birthday! I finally get to leave the Pirate's Cove! I can finally see the rest of the pizzeria and see where Mari,Freddy,Bonnie,And Beth sleep!

I walked up to my mirror and looked at myself. "I'm ready!"

I changed into human form cause I can (XD) and got my messy brown hair out of my face.

I put on a black and white stripped crop top and a black and white stripped skirt and a necklace with a cross on it.

Then I put on a little bit of mascara and a touch of blush and walked out of my room.

"Hi Lexie happy birthday!" My mom said to me.

"Thanks Mom!" I said hugging her.

"Why are you in human form?"

"I don't know I just felt like it" I replied.

My dad walked in.

"Hey Lass!" My dad said.

"Hi Dad"

"Happy birthday!"

He hugged me and gave me a kiss.

"Are you ready to see the pizzeria?" My mom asked.

"Mom,I've been ready for the past 13 years." I replied.


My mom opened the curtain.

There was a stage on the right and a room that said Prize Corner,Then there was another room that my mom said was Bonnie and Beth's room,My Mom's old room which is now a extra storage room,And Freddy's room.

Then I noticed another room.

"Mom,What's that room?" I asked.

"Oh,Thats Mike's office."

"Ok! Can we go in?" I asked.

"Of corse!"

We walked in and the lights were black....


Every jumped out of their hiding spots.

"Happy Birthday Lexie!" Bethany said.

"Oh my god guys thank you so much! This is amazing!" I said hugging Beth.

"No problem." Beth replied.

"Hey Lexie,Me and Bonnie also have a child named BonBon,His birthday is tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to stand outside me and Bonnie's door I'll text you when we're about to come and you can introduce yourself and hand him this present."

Beth handed me a gift with the name BonBon on it.

"Ok awesome! But one problem I don't have a phone yet." I said.

Beth handed me another gift. It said to Lexie from Mom and Dad. My mom and dad walked up.

I smiled

I opened the gift "OMG A PHONE!! An iPhone 5 Thank You So Much!!" I said.

~Later That Evening~

Beth had set up my phone and I got Instagram and all that stuff.

"Lexie,On Instagram you can't tell anyone you're an animatronic ok only post pictures of you in human form and make it seem like you're in a house not a pizzeria, Oh and if anybody asks,You're last name is Campbell" My mom said.


I made my Instagram @datgirllex


Me,My Mom,And my dad were watching Annabelle.

I could tell my mom was scared to death but she wouldn't admit it.

It was starting to get late so I went to bed.

~The Next Day~

I woke up extra early and got ready this time in animatronic form and went outside with the gift.

I got a text from Bethany. "Ok We're about to come out" It said.

I waited by the door.

Just then BonBon Walked out.

"Surprise! Happy Birthday BonBon I'm..-" I stopped.

I looked at BonBon.

He had adorable bedhead and was so cute.

"S-Sorry,I'm Lexie Chica and Foxy's kid,My birthday was yesterday,Here's a gift from you're mom and dad" I said handing BonBon The gift.

"Thank you Lexie" BonBon said blushing.

He unwrapped the gift. "An iPhone Thanks Mom!"

"No problem" Beth said.

"Hey Lexie? Could you show me around?" BonBon asked.

"Sure!" I replied.

"I'm not really that knowledgeable about this place yet,I just arrived yesterday but.."

Me and BonBon Talked for hours...I really like BonBon.

All I Need Is You (Foxy x Chica)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora