Chapter 11:Rules

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3rd Person's POV:
"Guys! Please come here!" Mike yelled.

Everybody came.

"Now Chica,I hate to be Mr.Rules but there are a couple of rules for having a child." Mike said.

"Number 1 is that if there is a child under the age of 10,He or she may never ever meet another child under 10,if that happens,come see me."

"That leads me to rule 2. A child under 10 may never leave the pizzeria under they are under 10."

"If there are any other animatronic kids after Alexia that come from a different set of parents when Lexie is under 10,she may never ever meet them. But if.Chica and Foxy get another child and Lexie is still younger then 10 it os okay for her to meet her sibling."

"So If Beth & Bonnie or Freddy & Mari have a baby The pizzeria will have to have rooms that only 1 kid can go in and rooms the other can go in."

"This is so confusing!" Bonnie said.

"Aww! Why do we have to!😫" Chica said.

"I'm sorry,It's not my rules. It's the owner of you guys Fred's rules" Mike replied.

"If I had a choice I wouldn't make you have any rules,But I don't have a choice"

"Sorry guys."

"It's alright" Chica said.

"C'mon Lexie!" Foxy said.

???'s POV:
I am here....

**Sorry its Short**

All I Need Is You (Foxy x Chica)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora