''Are you looking forward to the ball?'' I wondered amiably.

''I don't know what to expect,'' Harry opened up. ''I just want to make sure William and Carmen get what they deserve. They have been playing a dirty game for such a long time, it's time we take revenge.'' He squeezed my hand briskly. ''I am still in for it.''

''Me too,'' I breathed out heavily. ''They separated ys, and we both didn't even relish the time we were disconnected. For so many of us it's going to be a lively night, but we are basically playing a part.''

''And we will succeed,'' Harry added confidentially. ''We always do.''

After a while Harry drove into the parking lot. He made sure his Bentley was parked inside of the apartment. I was gone, shortly, to get my keys of the Mini-Cooper so his car could be safely in the garage. He told me if someone would steal my car tonight, he would buy me a Bentley too. Don't get me wrong, but I was praying silently to be robbed.

Harry stepped out of his car, and it looked ferociously hot when he did. I didn't know why, but he carried this vibe with him which made me just melt and love-struck. His legs brought him to the back of the car, and he shut the trunk after opening it. I saw his Louis Vuitton bag in his hand.

''Are you staying the night?'' I speculated precipitously.

''If you don't mind,'' Harry replied. ''Now that things are positive between us, I want to spend most of my free time with you.'' His conscientious words made my heart beat agilely. Harry was so affectionate at certain moments that I just wanted to holler it from the rooftop to everyone on the Earth.

''I'd love to have you around,'' I spoke. Keeping myself under control, even though all the emotions which were rushing through my body made me go nuts. Out of love.

Once he was by my side - and the Bentley was safe - he claimed my hand. We walked up the stairs, and Harry told me some hideous jokes. It was a hard thing to do – holding your laughter when he was by your side – and we couldn't be too boisterous since Miss Berch would lose her shit.

''Harry,'' I said, and pressed my finger against his wet lips. ''Shhhhht....'' But it was hard to keep myself serious when he was staring down at me.

He smiled against my finger, and licked it speedily. It reminded me of today's activity; when I was sitting on the kitchen counter and he licked the inside of my hand by cause of me covering his mouth.

''Why do you always have to lick me?''

''Funny how you say that without thinking about the double meaning,'' Harry told me playfully. I rolled my eyes, and I opened the door of my apartment. We both walked inside, and he threw his bag onto my bed.

''Occasionally I wonder if you have manners,'' I muttered while walking past him.

''I'm allowed to behave like a ten year old around you,'' Harry spoke.

"Is that so?''

''I'm your boyfriend. It's my job to bug the shit out of you, love.'' He proclaimed.

''Sure,'' I said while shaking my head in disapproval. I entered the kitchen, and opened the refrigerator. I was searching for something to drink, but was shortly distracted by Harry who slammed against my butt. I closed my eyes, and I just could feel the spot burning. My hand pulled the apple juice out of the refrigerator, and I spoke aloud; ''How entertaining.''

''Yes, for me it's quite entertaining. For you. . . . I doubt it.'' Harry mentioned.

I poured two glasses with apple juice, and shoved one to Harry. He was standing at the other side of the kitchen counter. ''I wonder how I'm ever going to survive with you,'' I sighed.

Lush Corruption  | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 2  ✓Where stories live. Discover now