Manufacturing Mistakes, Gotta Love Em

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Hello people who are probably not reading this.... I was wondering if any of you could vote or comment or even fan. That would be great! Also i was hopping if someone could tell me if my entries are funny or not, because i know some people don't get random humor, but.... just make a comment, PLEASE?!

Ok back to the real reason you're here (or not) : the Randomness


So, I go to open a new notebook, and guess what?

It had TWO covers! HAHAHAHA! ok maybe it isn't that funny, but I enjoy manufacturing Mistakes.

May i also say.... I LOVE EXACTO KNIFES! they are the best thing ever, besides hot glue. So i was making a purse out of pop tabs, and I had to take it apart D-,:

So it would have taken me almost a half an hour to do it, but i just hacked at it with an Exacto Knife, and i finished the job in 10 minutes! Wow i sound like a murderer or something. Hacked and 'finished the job' both sound like something a murderer would do. But i assure you that I'm not a murderer.... or am I....

Just kidding, I'm not :D



So i'm having this random thought (go figure, hahah) in the middle of this. If anyone likes the band Paramore, and listens to the song 'brick by boring brick' well i'm listening to it at the moment, and I just love it. But when i went to the Itunes store to get more songs by Paramore, they were all 1.29 and i never pay over a dollar for my songs (Brick by boring brick was on the 69 cent songs when i bought it) so, i don't know, just thought of it.

Back to the show


Before I start talking i need to say:


because i will be talking about the seventh Harry Potter, Part 1, so for anyone who hasn't seen it (or read the books) don't read the words, and look for these ~~~ to show you that I'm done talking about it

So i was watching the seventh Harry Potter, (i have already seen it in the movies and read all the books) and so I watched Dobby die, and its just so sad! And as dobby dies my dad's like: I love dobby's voice. So after the movie is done me and my sister look for the actor who voices Dobby, and his name is Toby Jones, and he is pretty much a nobody to my generation (Remember, I'm 13) so the only thing that i ever saw that he was "in" was the Harry Potter's. I jut thought that was interesting.


And then me ad my sister tried to do British Accents, and i can't, AT ALL. I think it's because in 5th grade i spent 2 months talking in a French accent, so i can't really do anything else. Hmmm. Or maybe i'm just bad at accents. Who knows *shrugs shoulders* What do you think old chap?

Oh oh oh! so this morning i saw a chipmunk as i was walking to school! But it ran away when i tried to pet it :( Why do they always run!

I think that is enough randomness for today. Did i tickle your funny bone? At all? please tell me because I feel like I'm talking to no one, which is probably true. I just need 1 or 2 people to boost my confidence, please?



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