The Ramblings of a Crazy Person (me)

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So here is many different things going on in my brain at the moment, also funny things from my daily life. I just thought I'd try posting this random mess because my friends get a kick out of it and i hope you do to. So on to the randomness *Gestures broadly into nowhere*


Why do people only have 5 toes? I mean really! Why cant every person naturally have 6 or 7 toes. Well there are the people who are mutates (and im speaking plainly in the scientific term! Most times mutations are good. Like in Charles Darwin's theory of evolution - survival of the fittest! Those extra toes might help you one day!) but they don't intentionally have them (unless they had surgery to get the toes. Hmmmm...)

Ok im off topic, wow I sound like the narrator from the "Series of unfortunate events" books, but seriously that was my favorite parts, when he went off on tangents. Or from the "the name of this book is secret" series but that guy didn't rambled as much. Both those book series are good though a little young for people over the age of 20. I mean, I read them when I was in fourth grade so yeah, they are a little young, though the "secret" books my 10/12 years old sister/stepsister (in that order) are reading them. I also like the secret books but each book ends with a cliff hanger, which ergs me to no extent (hmmm... I like that fraise! Im going to use it more often!)

Oh what was I talking about, because I seriously don't know at all anymore! Oh so it was really funny... so last night I was just getting to sleep and one of my pictures (I have dozens on my walls at each house, most are from art class, well at least at my moms house, I have more stuff that I made out of my own free will at my dads house, I'll take pictures and put them on) was falling down because the tape was wearing off, so one side slid down making a scratching sound against the wall. It sounded to creepy and was loud in my quiet room, it scared the crap out of me. When I finally realized what it was I went blundering through my room to my opposite wall to take the picture down, tripping over my backpack in the process. When the picture was finally down I headed back to bed and tripped over my back pack again! I swear the thing has it in for me, even though all I do for it is carry it on my back. (hmm... though I do make it take most of the load, and then I stuff it in my locker...)

Oh so it was so stupid, but today (this has been written on Tuesday, which may not be the day I get around to posting this) this guy was making fun of how Judaism doesn't have any present while Catholic and Christian people gets presents at almost every point in the year. He was also saying the Hannukah only had present because Christmas has presents. It is true though, the present thing, because if you saw your friends getting and bragging about the millions of presents they get for Christmas and you get nothing, ever, wouldn't you get kinda jealous? See my point? So yeah... But seriously this guy was being a jerk about it, and after I stopped responding because he was pissing me off, he just kept going on and on and on and on! The nerve of some people! Jews are already a minority, while do people have to make them feel bad about it? Seriously, people look at me like im crazy when I say "Oy" in public, but I grew up with the grown ups saying that whenever something was wrong and they were exasperated. Like: Oy, we're having that many people for Passover and we only have one box of matzah. (matzah is like a cracker, and is unleavened because no one can eat leavened bread, so only having one box of matzah isn't a good thing. Nor is having so many people that everyone only gets one matzah ball (matzah ball: like a meatball made of matzah meal))

Ok... I think I've written enough, but before I go, do you think that inanimate object can have personality disorder, because I think my iPod has it, well music wise, because you know how you can tell stuff from peoples music, well..... No one would be able to tell anything from my music, cause I seriously have American idiot (by greenday) next to surfin on the USA (by the Beach Boys) and Waking up in Vegas (by Katty Perry) also I have Sweet home Alabama (the original by linner skinner) and much more and its all a hodge podge of pop, rock, country, alternative, and one hit wonders

I hoped you liked my many tangents. I hope you got a least 3 laughs out of this entry. I will try to post often though most may not be as long as this one, (though my brain does hold enough thoughts and randomness for 5 billion pages) because i have homework and stuff to do. Also read my other story: It All Started In Art Class, where I actually have my brain in check! It seems impossible, but its not!

Well bye! :)


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