Then, Louis' eyes opened, and Harry tried to look away, but he wasn't fast enough.

"You right there?" Louis asked, cocking an eyebrow as he made Harry blush.

"I-I, uh, u-um." He stuttered. Luckily the music was playing relatively loudly, and the two boys in the front were too absorbed in their conversation to hear what was going on in the back.

"Okay." Louis rolled his eyes and chuckled, making Harry frown. It wasn't fair, he thought, that Louis got to make him feel so awkward all the time.

The blue-eyed boy reassumed his position, eyes closed and hands behind his head. He was still sitting in the middle seat, obnoxiously taking up some of Harry's space, and Harry was pretty sure that he knew.

He could feel the butterflies in his stomach, the nerves creeping up on him, but he desperately wanted to ask something.

"L-Louis?" He said timidly, making the boy open one eye as he looked at him sideways.

He didn't answer, but his expression said 'continue', so Harry did.

"D-Do you remember, um, when we w-were kids-" Harry broke off for a second as Louis sat up and looked at him with a confused expression.

"Uh," Harry continued. "The water p-park, um, we were, uh, 8, I think." Harry smiled as he reminisced, and even chuckled a little. "A-And we..."


July 9th 2004


Harry giggled as Louis pouted and shouted for his mother. They were all in the car, the two mums in the front and the two boys in the back. Harry had been tickling his friend relentlessly, it was only when Louis threatened to tell on him, that Harry stopped.

"No, Lou!" Harry whispered, reaching across to cover Louis' mouth with his hand.

"Honey?" Louis mum, Jay, turned around to see what all the fuss was about, so Harry quickly took his hand away and tried to act nonchalant.

"Nothing." Louis laughed as he grinned at him mum. When she turned back around, he turned his smile to Harry and lowered his voice. "Meanie."

Harry giggled again as Louis leant over to take his hand and hold it between them, resting on the spare seat. Ever since they were younger they would do it, because that was what best friends did, and they were the best of best friends.

"But you love me." Harry grinned back, making Louis huff.

"Sadly." He answered, before he started laughing. "Kidding! Love you, Haz."

"Love you too, Lou." Harry whispered as Anne pulled the car into a car park.

"Alright, kiddies!" Anne smiled as she turned the car off. "We're here!"

Harry and Louis' hands separated as they tried to see out the window and simultaneously climb out of their seats in excitement.

Their eyes went wide as they took it all in. They'd never been anywhere quite like it, and for 8-year-olds, it was like a dream come true.

"Oh my gosh!" They both said in unison as they squealed and ran towards the entrance, grins spread across their faces.

"Slow down, boys!" Jay laughed as her and Anne got their bags and locked the car, following after them. "Wait for us."

So they stopped and waited, and the four of them then headed for the park entrance, with both Louis and Harry pulling their mothers along.

Once they were inside, the boys headed straight for the line of the one waterslide they couldn't wait to try out, the Tornado.

I Know You, Lou // l.s.Where stories live. Discover now