||:PruCan: A Simple Life:||

Start from the beginning

"Well, actually, not only did I come to visit you, but I came to get some flowers too." And being the nosey little shit he is, Gilbert asked who.

"Ooooh? Has little Luddy found a girlfriend finally???" Ludwig's face turned a pinkish-red at this statement.

"N-nein! It's not like that... Well, it sort of is... I wasn't able to tell you before you left but..." Ludwig trailed off. He looked away, his face now bright red.

"Come on Lud, out with it!" Gilbert just loved to tease his brother.

"I-I-I'm g-gay..." Ludwig looked back at his brother, well, faced his brother, because he was covering his eyes, afraid to see his brother's reaction.

"Kesesesesese~! Don't worry Lud, no need to be embarrassed, guess it runs in the family. I'm gay too!" Gilbert just laughed it off it that weird, yet charming laugh of his, and Ludwig just stared at him dumbfounded.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"'Cause I thought it was plain obvious, I may have been hitting on Hungary, but that was to get closer to Austria. You didn't know I used to like him?"

Ludwig had no words, he was literal speechless. He quickly regained his composure and got back on track.

"So... Can I buy those flowers now or not?"

"Only after you tell me who they're for!"

"T-they're for F-Feliciano..." Once again, Ludwig's face had turned crimson. Gil just gave him tough, loving pats on his back.

"I so knew you were gay for him!!" Gilbert 'kesesesed' the whole time he was picking out a perfect bouquet that would suit Feli. ((Man this got off track, back to PruCan!))

After Ludwig left, it was 7:45 pm. Time for dinner. Hm... Gilbert didn't really feel like eating alone tonight, maybe Matthew would like to join him? Yeah, he'll try that. Gilbert took off his apron, grabbed the store keys and flipped the sign to "Closed." Walking not even ten steps next door, Gil walked into Maple Body Art.

Matthew heard a ding ring and he looked up to see Gilbert, but out of uniform. This surprised him a bit, but he quickly covered it up.

"Hello Gilbert! Here to make an appointment?" Gilbert shook his head.

"U-um, I was maybe wondering, if you're not busy right now, if you would like to go grab dinner?" Gilbert scratched the back of his head and gave a sheepish grin. Matthew's cheeks turned a light pink, and he smiled. He wasn't gonna lie, he's had a crush on the albino ever since he moved here.

"Sure! I just finished the last of my appointments for today, so I'm free!" Gilbert smiled happily, and it warmed Matthew's heart. "Where did you plan on going?" Gilbert stopped and thought.

"Hmmm... I was thinking something simple and comforting with pancakes..."

"Denny's?" Matthew suggested. It may be some artificial Americanised pancakes, but pancakes are pancakes. Suddenly, Matthew's phone went off.

♪Do you like pancakes?♪

♪Yeah we like pancakes!♪

♪Do you like waffles?

♪Yeah we like waffl-♪

The ringtone was cut off by Matthew embarrassingly answering. "H-hello?" It was his cell phone, not the business phone, so he didn't need to put on a confident front.

"YO!!! Bro, it's me, Alfred, I was wondering if you could send me over some of your authentic maple syrup? Arthur and Francis are coming over for the breaking of fasts and Arthur wanted to try some of your syrup!" Man, he loves to talk.

"Sure, but I gotta go now, I'm kinda busy with really important things right now."

"Oh right! You have that tattoo business thingy. Well, I'll let ya go now! Thanks, bye-bye!!" Alfred hung up and Matthew sighed. Gilbert looked at him and cocked an eyebrow.

"Obnoxiously loud brother getting to you?"

Matthew sighed. "Yeah, sorry aboot that, let's go."

Gilbert and Matthew walked side by side chatting it up. They learned many things about each other, for instance, how Gilbert is originally from Germany, but moved to Canada when he was 19. Or how Matthew has, like, 5 or so uncles. ((The FACE family exists in this AU))

Arriving at Denny's and getting a seat, they waited for their order to be taken.

"So... What do you do in your free time? I only ever see you during work hours so..." Gilbert tried to bring conversation back, as the silence was getting too awkward.

"Oh! Um, I guess I either browse online or look at pictures of amazing tattoos... And sometimes I watch documentaries on polar bears! What do you do?"

"Oh, you know, update my blog, browse tumblr and the Insta's, and play with my awesome pet bird!"

"Oh you have a pet bird?"

"Ja! His name is Gilbird and he's so cute when he chirps." Matthew giggled. He hadn't guess Gilbert to be the type that likes cute things. Though I guess he runs a flower shop so...

The waitress came and took their order then, and they both got pancakes, one with strawberries, the other with an assortment of fruit. The business wasn't too busy that night, so their food was on the table within 30 minutes. After finishing eating and paying the bill, Matthew and Gilbert began to walk down the street to their shops.

"Well, it's closing time anyways, but I live in the studio upstairs, so we'll be parting there." Gilbert was a little pained to leave Matthew's side. He had developed a very large crush on the Canadian during the time that they had known each other.

"Hey Gil."


"Look at me." Gilbert looked towards Matthew to have a soft pair of lips on his. Gil was surprised at first, but melted into it. It was soft, short but still a calming and warm kiss. They pulled away, both their faces bright red.

"U-um, I-I've liked you ever since I met you Gil and I just had to let you know..." Gilbert almost broke out into tears. He glomped onto the small blonde and embraced him in the middle of the [luckily] dead street.

"It's ok. Ich liebe dich. I've also loved you for a while now." Matthew made a weird smiley face and returned the embrace, burying his face into the albino's shoulder.

After a few more seconds, they broke apart. Matthew reached out his hand to Gilbert, and Gil gladly took it. They walked down the street like that. They got the occasional weird look from passerbys, but they didn't care. Upon arriving at Gilbert's Birdie Flowers, they gave each other one last kiss before parting.

Both of them were certainly looking forward to work tomorrow, and to the days ahead, when they would eventually live together and possibly get married.


"Hey mommy, why are those two boys kissing?"

"Shh, let them be. Don't ruin the moment." A mother and her little 5 year old son passed them by when they kissed. Blushing, they bowed polite sorrys to the mother, who just waved it off and smiled.

"How about we avoid kissing in public?"


* = little brother
A/N: WOW!! Almost 2000 words! I think that's the longest I've ever made something. (Also took me 2 fruking hours to type) So! Let me know if you liked it, if you did, why not leave a vote and a comment, eh? Thank you!

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