Chapter 53

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I wake up with Tobias's arm around my waist and out legs are tangled together. I stare at Tobias and see all of his features. His jaw line, his cheekbones, how his hair is still the same as it was before he fell asleep. I can't help but stare and memorize it all.

"You can stop starring Tris," Tobias mumbles.

"How'd you know?" I ask, not even trying to deny it.

"Well I felt your eyes burning a hole in my face," he says opening his eyes.

"Can't help myself I guess," I say pushing my hair in front of my face to hide me blushing.

"Look how cute you are right now," he says moving my hair and poking my nose.

"Stop it and go give Claire a bath," I say getting up. I go to my dresser and grab black leggings, a dark grey sweater and a salmon infinity scarf. I go take a 10 minute shower then step out wrap a towel around me and dry my hair. Once I brush out the tangles in my hair Tobias walks in and grabs the brush.

"Can't find Claire's," he says and kisses my head and leaves. I then slip on my clothes and once I exit the room I put on my combat boots and head downstairs. Tobias is putting Claire's hair into a bun and putting a white headband with a flower on top of her head. She's wearing a grey long sleeve shirt with white little doggies on it and a teal bow at the top, a teal vest, white jeans, and purple flats.

"You dressed Claire today I don't believe it," I say looking at her outfit.

"Well I didn't really the outfit was all in a pile so I decided she was going to wear it," he says.

"That sounds more like you," I say and kiss his cheek.

"I'm going to get ready so we can go get breakfast," he says kisses my head and leaves.

"I guess we are already lovey dovey today!" I shout at him.

"Love you Tris!" He shouts and then I hear the water running.

"Momma pway," Claire says walking out of the play room and dragging me in there.

"What do you want to do?" I ask her as she takes me to the little table.

"We draw momma," Claire says and gives me a little piece of paper. I draw a quick sketch of Tobias and I. I'm walking behind him I guess looking up to him. Once I finish the extra details Claire holds up her picture.

"That's really good sweetie," I say and look at the picture.

"It's me, daddy, baby Cowin, baby Henwy, and you," Claire says.

"What if the babies are Kylie or Ella," I say.

"Den I change it," she says and then has me hang it up on the wall.

"Hey you guys ready," Tobias says walking in the room.

"Daddy look," Claire says pointing to the wall.

"That's very good munchkin," he says then picks up my drawing.

"You don't need to look at that," I say trying to grab it from his hands but he holds the paper above him.

"Did you draw this?" He asks.

"Yes I did. Now please give it back," I say.

"You even drew my tattoos," he says still looking at it.

"Ok now let's go," I say still reaching for the paper.

"How are you so good at drawing?" He asks finally giving me the paper.

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