He grabbed her chin, not too rough but not gently either, and forced her to look back at him directly in the eyes as if he knew what she was doing.

"You're so small."

He was right. She had to crane her neck just to look at his face.

"I'm guessing you're about five foot one." He gazed her up and down. "Maybe just five foot."

Mia felt embarrassed. She was always very sensitive about her height. People always teased her about it and called her all sorts of horrible names that haunted her throughout middle school. One day a boy taunted her with her awful nickname and got physical until Anna stood up to him and punched him in the face. Anna got a suspension but no one teased Mia ever again. After the incident, Anna and Mia got to know each other better and grew to be inseparable friends.

Mia missed Anna already.

"I like it."

She looked back up into his eyes that looked so sincere—the complete opposite of what they were when Mia first saw him. Still, she stayed cautious.

"I'm not very tall myself, you see and I like being the dominant one."

His words sent shivers down her spine as he whispered the last sentence in her ear.

The boy smirked, obviously amused. "What is your name, Darling?"

"M-Mia," she finally managed out between stutters.

"What's your full first name?" he asked like it was obvious.

Mia was taken aback by his statement. How'd he know...?

"Amalia," she answered. [Pronounced: um-AAl-yuh]

"A pretty name for a pretty girl," he purred, making her ears turn red at his tone. "I'm Peter. Peter Pan."

That's when she snapped out of it. There's no such thing, she thought and slapped her hand over her mouth when she realized she accidentally said it aloud.

'Peter' gave her a look of confusion. "I would've thought that being a Darling you would've been more... acceptable of magic. But we can work on that. After all, we do have all of eternity." He chuckled darkly, crossing his arms over his chest cockily.

"What are you talking about?" Mia asked, finally bringing her hand down from her mouth. The forest had gone quiet again.

"You are a descendant of Wendy aren't you?" Peter said, squinting his eyes as he looked her up and down.

Mia scrunched her eyebrows and shook her head, no. She took a step back and felt her headache returning with the world spinning around her.

His eyes met hers again and he searched them to see if she was lying. When he found she wasn't, Peter let out an animalistic growl and his whole demeanor changed into what it was before. "You must be kidding me!" He punched a nearby tree, sending pieces of woods flying, and Mia jumped back in terror at his outburst.

Somehow Jake had managed to sneak off right before Peter threw his little outburst as if he'd predicted it happening. Mia guessed that this wasn't the first time something like that had happened.

"Just take me home," she whimpered and covered her head with her arms.

"I can't," 'Peter' growled, putting his head in his hands while trying to calm his breathing.

"Why not?"

"Because I can only go to your part of your realm when the stars are out and perfectly aligned with earth," Peter groaned.

"Well, how long will it take for 'the stars to align'?" Mia asked quoting with her fingers.

"A month," was his dull reply, void of all emotion like he'd wasted them all in his burst of anger.

"What?!" Mia shrieked. "That can't be right!"

"The second star on the right is magical but it runs on a sort of clock just like any lunar or solar cycle. It only shows over each realm of the twelve kingdoms once a month," Peter explained, staring at the ground as if he was in deep thought. "It circles around each realm for three days and then switches. While you were asleep, the earth's third day ended, so it should be over Wonderland right now if you'd rather go there and quarrel with the Heart Queen." His words were laced with sarcasm.

Mia sat down, and leaned against a tree, shaking her head. "This can't be happening. This isn't Neverland." She rubbed her temples and kept repeating that phrase to herself over and over.

"Well, of course it is!" Peter exclaimed, rolling his eyes and looking at Mia like she was the crazy one. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"Because Neverland isn't real," Mia sighed. "There's no such thing as magic, mermaids, pixie dust, and there are definitely no such thing as f-"

Peter's hand slammed against her mouth. "Finish that sentence and you'll be just as dead as the fairy you kill."

Mia's wide eyes met his grey ones that shot daggers at her.

He pulled his hand away and she immediately brought her hand to where his was. Tears stung her eyes and pain surged through out her face, coming from her now purple bruised jaw.

Peter's eyes softened when he noticed the tears brim her eyes but then went back to his icy cold glare. "It's just a bruise. I could've done worse."

Mia tried to move her jaw and cringed as the pain increased when she did. Mia could've sworn she heard a popping noise. She checked with her tongue for any loose teeth. Thankfully she didn't have any.

"I want to go home," Mia hiccuped and tried to swallow the lump in her throat.

"You will in a month," Peter spat.

"Peter, please-"

"You do not have the privilege to call me that. You may call me Pan or else I'll make sure your jaw breaks the next time," Pan said, before storming away to where he came from, leaving Mia alone and very much afraid.

Mia shook and finally let the tears spill that she'd been holding back. Her sobs echoed off the trees as if they were now mocking her too. Her body shook with each heartbreaking sob and her back slid slowly down the tree until she was sitting on the ground, wishing somehow she would appear back in Anna's room.

Mia knew that she had to get home. Wherever she was, Neverland or not, she was going to get home. Before in a month's time. With or without Pan's help.


Another chapter finished. I honestly don't know if this is any good...  If you could leave feedback I'd really appreciate it! :)
Thanks for reading.


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